review 2

From: Aaron Chang (
Date: Mon Apr 19 2004 - 03:00:08 PDT

  • Next message: CR: "Review of Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities"

    Review 2
    CSE 544

    1. central conclusion of paper: the traditional
    approach of using RDBMS systems plus new algorithms
    can be used effectively for some, not all, XML
    document processing/querying; the authors appear to
    show a balanced study of the pros and cons using the
    conventional methods

    2. part of the difficulty: xml is semi-structured,
    variance in complexity of DTDs

    3. method for data flow: DTD->relational schema->load
    tuples->translate xml queries to sql queries
    ->convert retrieved data back to xml
            - seems pretty straightforward. not too surprised
    this works for the most part

    4. methods for storing xml in relational format:
            - tranforming/simplifying DTDs
            - basic inlining: use of DFS graph processing is
    pretty interesting, but point out rightly
                     that this kind of processing is good for only
    certain types of queries

    5. shared inlining technique:
            - looks for shared element nodes in multiple tables
            - key idea: element nodes partitioning into tables
    determines schema

    6. basic, shared, and hybrid inlining were tested by
    measuring # of joins required for a given query

    7. results:
            - # of joins scale with path length
            - performance gap between shared and hybrid depend on
    path length
            - not too surprising, gap difference is rather small

    8. query conversion from path expressions to sql look
    pretty straightforward, seems like
            with xml, root path checking is critical

    9. converting sql results back to xml is mostly the
    same as it's currently done it appears

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  • Next message: CR: "Review of Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities"

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