Course Logistics
- Instructor:
Jamie Morgenstern
Office Hours: Thursday 1 - 2 PM, CSE2 316, or by appt.
- TAs:
Claire Zhang
Office Hours: Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 AM, CSE2 150; Wednesday, 5:00-6:00 PM, CSE2 131.
- Course staff email:
- Lecture time and place:
Mondays, Wednesdays 3:00 -- 4:20pm. CSE2 G04.
About the Course, Prerequisites and Grading
Your grade will be based on 4 homework assignments: HW0 (0%, not graded, just for determining if you have the requisite background), HW1 (25%), HW2 (25%), HW3 (25%), HW4 (25%).