Spring 2007
Wednesday and Friday, 10:30 to 11:50
Provides an introduction to several major areas of HCI research. This course is a combination of readings, small labs at the beginning of the term, and a term project.
The reading component of this course will require preparing brief reports on a combination of historical and recent papers. This is intended to help you examine what the HCI community considers to be a meaningful contribution across a variety of problems, thus preparing you to make contributions in these areas.
This course is explicitly not focused on the methods used in HCI practice. The initial labs will introduce heuristic evaluation, but the course material does not assume a strong background in HCI (there is no prerequisite) and the focus of this course is on research rather than practice.
The project component of this course will require the design, execution, and analysis of a study. This is intended to give you hands-on experience with studies, as the proper design and execution of a study is critical to many areas of HCI.
There are several (sometimes long) research papers to be read for each day of class. This course will be based on those readings, the labs, a term project, and a small take-home final.
Each meeting's discussion will be led by either a guest or by a volunteer from the class. The number of times it is necessary for each student to volunteer will depend on enrollment. These discussions should be informal and enjoyable, as it is important that everybody feel comfortable commenting and offering their insight. The participation component of grading in this course will be based both on apparent preparation to lead discussion and on active participation in discussion throughout the course.
Grading will roughly correspond to 30% reading reports, 10% labs, 25% project, 25% class participation, and 10% take-home final.
I will expect you to have read and thought carefully about each reading. To help you out, I will require short written reading reports. Reading reports should be between 300 and 500 words, posted in this forum:
Reports should be posted by the midnight before each class meeting, ensuring that the day's discussion coordinator has ample time to review them. Feel free to read and comment on other people's reports after you have posted your own.
In writing these reports, note that it is generally easy to find something to criticize in any piece of research, but that focusing on this is typically not productive. You will generally find it more intellectually worthwhile to focus on what aspects of a piece of work are particularly well done, what new ideas are prompted by a piece of work, or what you might have done differently if you conducted the research. This will also lead to much more valuable discussions.
Potential topics for consideration in your report are:
These are only some suggestions for topics in your report. The important part is that I can see an intellectual effort in your report, not a simple summary.
There will be two short labs at the beginning of the term. The first will focus on designing and prototyping an interface, the second will focus on evaluating an interface made by somebody else.
In groups of two students (with a single group of three if needed, I will not allow single-person projects), you will design, pilot, and analyze a study. This might be an exploratory study, collecting data to answer a question, or it might be an evaluation, comparing several different approaches to a problem. I intend to be highly available to meet and discuss potential studies.
Because these studies will be conducted in the educational context of this course, you do not need human subjects approval. You may not, however, publish the results of this study. You must also conduct your study in a manner that would be appropriate for an approved study. If you would like to be able to publish the results of your study, please talk with me immediately about whether your study can be submitted as an exempt procedure, meaning you might be able get Human Subjects approval in approximately a week.
You should aim to design a study that, if you obtained human subjects approval and ran the study with an appropriate group of participants, could potentially be submitted to CHI. Because studies are often expensive and time-consuming to conduct, it is expected that you will likely involve fewer participants as a part of this course than you would if conducting the study for submission to CHI.
There will be four study deliverables: a proposal, a data collection status report, an analysis status report, and a final report.
Date |
Location |
Reading |
Presenter |
Due |
March 28 |
CSE 403 |
History I Jonathan Grudin. (2005). Three Faces of Human-Computer Interaction. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 27(4), 46-62. [local pdf] |
James Fogarty No Reading Report |
Lab 1 Released |
March 30 |
CSE 403 |
History II |
Myers, B., Hudson, S.E., and Pausch, R. (2000). Past, Present, and Future of User Interface Software Tools. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 7(1), 3-28. [local pdf] |
Jacob Nelson |
Abowd, G.D. and Mynatt, E.D. (2000). Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 7(1), 29-58. [local pdf] |
Travis Kriplean |
Henry, T.R., Hudson, S.E., Yeatts, A.K., Myers, B.A., Feiner, S. (1991). A Nose Gesture Interface: Extending Virtual Realities. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 1991), 65-68. [local pdf] |
No Presenter No Reading Report |
April 4 |
CSE 403 |
Design of Everyday Things |
Lab 1 Due Lab 2 Released |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Carl Hartung |
Chapter 3 |
Christopher Frederick |
Chapter 4 |
April 6 |
CSE 403 |
Design of Everyday Things |
Lab 2 Due |
Chapter 5 |
Jon Hsieh |
Chapter 6 |
Natalie Linnell |
Chapter 7 |
Tanya Bragin |
April 11 |
CSE 403 |
Input I Fitts, P.M. (1954). The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47(6), 381-391. [local pdf] MacKenzie, I.S. and Buxton, W. (1992). Extending Fitts' Law to Two-Dimensional Tasks. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1992), 219-226. [local pdf] Additional Material: MacKenzie, I.S. (1992). Fitts' Law as a Research and Design Tool in Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 7(1), 91-139. [local pdf] |
Jacob Wobbrock, iSchool |
April 13 |
CSE 403 |
Input II Grossman, T. and Balakrishnan, R. (2005). A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling Two-Dimensional Pointing. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 12(3), 435-459. [local pdf] Zhai, S., Hunter, M., and Smith, B.A. (2002). Performance Optimization of Virtual Keyboards. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 17(2&3), 229-270. [local pdf] |
Jacob Wobbrock, iSchool |
Project Proposal Due 3 Pages Detailing What Data You Will Collect, Why It's Interesting, and How You Plan to Analyze It |
April 18 |
CSE 403 |
Toolkits I | ||
Myers, B.A., McDaniel, R.G., Miller, R.C., Ferrency, A.S., Faulring, A., Kyle, B.D., Mickish, A., Klimovitski, A., and Doane, P. (1997). The Amulet Environment: New Models for Effective User Interface Software Development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 23(6), 347-365. [local pdf] |
Michael Toomim |
Hudson, S.E. and Stasko, J.T. (1993). Animation Support in a User Interface Toolkit: Flexible, Robust, and Reusable Abstractions. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 1993), 57-67. [local pdf] |
Cam Thach Nguyen |
April 20 |
CSE 403 |
Toolkits II | ||
Heer, J., Card, S.K., and Landay, J.A. (2005). Prefuse: A Toolkit for Interactive Information Visualization. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005), 421-430. [local pdf] |
Yaw Anokwa |
Hudson, S.E., Mankoff, J., and Smith, I. (2005). Extensible Input Handling in the subArctic Toolkit. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005), 381-390. [local pdf] |
Raphael Hoffmann |
April 25 | CSE 403 |
Sensing and Interaction I Wellner, P. (1993). Interacting with Paper on the DigitalDesk. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 36(7), 87-96. [local pdf] Fitzmaurice, G.W. and Buxton, W. (1997). An Empirical Evaluation of Graspable User Interfaces: Towards Specialized, Space-Multiplexed Input. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1997), 43-50. [local pdf] |
Andy Wilson, MSR | |
April 27 | EEB 025 |
Sensing and Interaction II Pinhanez, C., Davis, J., Intille, S., Johnson, M., Wilson, A., Bobick, A., and Blumberg, B. (2000). Physically Interactive Story Environments. IBM Systems Journal, 29(3&4), 438-455. [local pdf] Bellotti, V., Back, M., Edwards, K.E., Grinter, R.E., Henderson, A. and Lopes, C. (2002). Making Sense of Sensing Systems: Five Questions for Designers and Researchers. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2002), pp. 415-422. [local pdf] |
Andy Wilson, MSR | |
May 2 | CHI 2007 - Class Cancelled | James at CHI | ||
May 4 | CHI 2007 - Class Cancelled | James at CHI | ||
May 9 | CSE 403 |
CSCW I Grudin, J. (1994). Groupware and Social Dynamics: Eight Challenges for Developers. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 37(1), 92-105. [local pdf] Stewart, J., Bederson, B.B., Druin, A. (1999). Single Display Groupware: A Model for Co-Present Collaboration. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1999), 286-293. [local pdf] |
Merrie Morris, MSR |
Data Collection Status Due 3 Pages Detailing What Data You Actually Collected, If and Why It's Different, How You Plan to Analyze It |
May 11 | CSE 403 |
CSCW II Sen, S., Lam, S., Rashid, A.M., Cosley, D., Frankowski, D., Osterhouse, J., Harper, F.M., and Riedl, J. (2006). tagging, communities, vocabulary, evolution. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2006), 181-190. [local pdf] Mandryk, R.L. and Inkpen, K.M. (2004). Physiological Indicators for the Evaluation of Co-Located Collaborative Play. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2004), 102-111. [local pdf] |
Merrie Morris, MSR James at UbiComp PC Meeting |
May 16 | CSE 403 |
Interaction I: Mobile Devices Furnas, G. (1986). Generalized Fisheye Views. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1986), 16-23. [local pdf] And 1 of these 2:Yee, K. (2003). Peephole Displays: Pen Interaction on Spatially Aware Handheld Computers. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2003), 1-8. [local pdf] Fitzmaurice, G.W. (1993). Situated Information Spaces and Spatially Aware Palmtop Computers. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 36(7), 38-49. [local pdf] |
Patrick Baudisch, MSR James at Pervasive |
May 18 | CSE 403 |
Interaction II: Large Displays Chang, B. and Ungar, D. (1993). From Cartoons to the User Interface. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 1993), 45-55. [local pdf] Bederson, B.B. and Hollan, J.D. (1994). Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 1994), 17-26. [local pdf] Grudin, J. (2001). Partitioning Digital Worlds: Focal and Peripheral Awareness in Multiple Monitor Use. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2001), 458-465. [local pdf] |
Patrick Baudisch, MSR |
May 23 | CSE 403 | Design Tools | ||
Landay, J.A. and Myers, B.A. (1995). Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1995), 43-50. [local pdf] | Brian Derenzi | |||
Lin, J., Newman, M.W., Hong, J.I., and Landay, J.A. (2000). DENIM: Finding a Tighter Fit Between Tools and Practice for Web Site Design. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2000), 510-517. [local pdf] | Bao Nguyen Nguyen | |||
Hartmann, B., Klemmer, S.R., Bernstein, M., Abdulla, L., Burr, B., Robinson-Mosher, A., Gee, J. (2006). Reflective Physical Prototyping Through Integrated Design, Test, and Analysis. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2006), 299-308. [local pdf] | Michael Piatek | |||
May 25 | CSE 403 | Games with a Purpose |
Take-Home Final Out Data Analysis Status Due 3 Pages Detailing Results of Your Analyses |
von Ahn, L. and Dabbish, L. (2004). Labeling Images with a Computer Game. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2004), 319-326. [local pdf] | Xianhang Zhang | |||
von Ahn, L., Kedia, M., and Blum, M. (2006). Verbosity: A Game for Collecting Common-Sense Facts. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006), 75-78. [local pdf] | Stefan Ekerfelt | |||
von Ahn, L., Liu, R., and Blum, M. (2006). Peekaboom: A Game for Locating Objects in Images. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006), 55-64. [local pdf] | Jiun-Hung Chen | |||
May 30 | CSE 403 |
Constraint-Based Interfaces Borning, A., Marriott, K., Stuckey, P., and Xiao, Y. (1997). Solving Linear Arithmetic Constraints for User Interface Applications. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 1997), 87-96. [local pdf] Vander Zanden, B.T., Baker, D., and Jin, J. (2004). An Explanation-Based Visual Debugger for One-Way Constraints. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2004), 207-216. [local pdf] |
James at Graphics Interface |
June 1 | CSE 403 | Project Presentations |
Take-Home Final Due Project Presentation |
June 6 | CSE 403 |
Final Project Report Due Length Appropriate to Content |