cse510 ->Schedule ->Week 4

Week 4 Readings & Video

Reviews are due by noon Tuesday, April 17. Responses are due before class on Wednesday. However, please read the Myers paper before class Monday, since we'll be discussing it then. (Actually it would be great if your review for the Myers paper was done before class Monday as well, but we're not requiring it since not everyone will be able to access WebAnn conveniently on the weekend.)

We will use the WebAnn system to submit reviews and responses. Instructions for installing WebAnn.

·         Cookies and Web Browser Design: Toward Realizing Informed Consent Online, by Lynette Millett, Batya Friedman, and Ed Felten, CHI 2001 Conference Proceedings. Dowload from the above link.
To add your review (summary/comments) and reply follow the above link. Then turn on WebAnn and make annotations.
See How to use WebAnn for more details..