Principles of Programming Languages 2015

This quarter we'll learn some techniques for thinking crisply about programming languages, write some fascinating programs, and discuss the design tradeoffs different language features present. Also, together we'll conduct a grand experiment: covering the traditional 505 material using the Coq proof assistant and a new interface called PeaCoq.

Meeting Mon, Wed 10:30 MGH 251
Instructor Zach Tatlock (ztatlock@cs)
Fri 10:30 CSE 546
TA Eric Mullen (emullen@cs)
Thu 2:30 CSE 678
Dr. PeaCoq Valentin Robert
(no Tue hours while Val is in San Diego)
Discussion Piazza
Mailing List


Episode 18 : Social Processes and CompCert (materials)

Episode 17 : Continuations II (materials)

Episode 16 : Curry-Howard + Continuations (materials)

Episode 15 : Fix + Curry-Howard (materials)

Episode 14 : Extending Simply Typed Lambda Calculus II (materials)

Episode 13 : Extending Simply Typed Lambda Calculus I (materials)

Episode 12 : Simply Typed Lambda Calculus (materials)

Episode 11 : Big Steps and Types Intro (materials)

Episode 10 : Formalizing Lambda Calculus (materials)

Episode 09 : Church Encodings (materials)

Episode 08 : Lambda Calculus (materials)

Episode 07 : Interpreters (materials)

Episode 06 : Operational Semantics and Proofs 2 (materials)

Episode 05 : Operational Semantics and Proofs 1 (materials)

Episode 04 : Inductive Predicates and Operational Semantics (materials)

Episode 03 : Lists and Syntax (materials)

Episode 02 : Hello PeaCoq (materials)

Episode 01 : And So It Begins (materials)


Homework 04 (bonus): due Wednesday, March 11 at 10am

Before our final lecture, please read both: For bonus points write a thoughtful paragraph about each paper and one question you'd like to discuss during lecture.

Homework 03 : due Friday, February 20 at 2pm

Homework 02 : due Friday, February 06 at 2pm

Homework 01 : due Friday, January 23 at 2pm

You can submit homework at the 505 Dropbox.



How to run PeaCoq on recycle / tricycle / bicycle:

$ ssh
$ ~ztatlock/PeaCoq/
[ links to your PeaCoq instance will show up here  ]
[ click on the recycle link to go to the editor    ]
[ when you're done, kill the server with Control-C ]
$ logout

How to run PeaCoq on attu:

$ ssh
$ ~ztatlock/PeaCoq/
[ links to your PeaCoq instance will show up here  ]
[ click on the attu link to go to the editor       ]
[ when you're done, kill the server with Control-C ]
$ logout