CSE 505 -- Background Questionnaire

Autumn 2001

This questionnaire will be distributed in class Oct 1 ... if you don't get a copy then, please e-mail back the questionnaire, or print out a copy and bring it to class on Wednesday. Thanks.

Your name:

Which of these courses have you already taken?

 - undergraduate programming language survey course (like our CSE 341)

 - undergraduate compilers course

 - undergraduate course on formal semantics

 - graduate programming languages course

Any other courses you think are relevant?

How familiar are you with the following concepts?  Choose from V (very
familiar), S (somewhat familiar), or N (never heard of it).

 - call by value, call by result, call by reference

 - call by name

 - static as compared with dynamic scoping

 - static typing, dynamic typing

 - polymorphic type systems

 - lambda calculus

 - F-bounded polymorphism

 - committed-choice logic programming languages (OK, if you're familiar 
   with this one you should think about petitioning out of the course)

 - static and dynamic links (these are used in a typical compiler
   implementation of a block-structured language)

 - object-oriented design methodology


Which programming languages do you know well?  

Which are you somewhat familiar with?

Anything else I should know about your background?
