CSE 503 - Assignment 1 Solution and Grading Notes

University of Washington

Spring 2004

instructor: Rob DeLine

ta: Miryung Kim

due Wed 21 Apr 2004

1. Describing the Patient Monitoring Problem using problem frames. [20%]

Problem frame sample answer
Robert Franzen kindly agreed to share his solution with others. I modified some of his answer.

2. Generating test cases for Tic-Tac-Toe. [25%]

TicTacToe solution

3. Exploring undo/redo in an editor. [20%]

UndoRedo solution

4. Describing a distributed file system. [35%]

Coda solution
I wrote some comments in your answer. If you want to know more about grading guidelines for problem 2~4, please stop by my office (CSE374) or send me an email. - Miryung