v Slicing
Ø Program slicing is an approach to selecting
semantically related statements from a program [Weiser]
Ø In particular, a slice of a program with
respect to a program point is a projection of the program that includes only
the parts of the program that might affect the values of the variables used at
that point
Ø The slice consists of a set of statements that
are usually not contiguous
v Basic ideas
Ø If you need to perform a software
engineering task, selecting a slice will reduce the size of the code base that
you need to consider
Ø Debugging was the first task considered
Ø Weiser even performed some basic user
Ø Claims have been made about how slicing
might aid program understanding, maintenance, testing, differencing, specialization,
reuse and merging
v Example
i := 1;
sum := 0;
product := 1;
while i <= n do begin
sum := sum + i;
product := product * i;
i := i + 1;
i := 1;
:= 1;
while i <= n do begin
product := product * i;
i := i + 1;
Ø In this example, the second program is a
slice of the first, slicing on the product variable at the write statement.
v For Weiser, a slice was a reduced,
executable program obtained by removing statements from a program
Ø The new program had to share parts of the
behavior of the original
Ø Weiser computed slices using a dataflow
algorithm, given a program point (criterion)
Using data
flow and control dependences, iteratively add sets of relevant statements until
a fixpoint is reached
v Ottenstein & Ottenstein defined an
alternative approach that clearly dominates
Ø Build a program dependence graph (PDG)
representing a program
Ø Select node(s) that identify the slicing
Ø The slice for that criterion is the
reachable nodes in the PDG
Ø PDG for the example (at the bottom of the
Thick lines
are control dependences
Thin lines
are (data) flow dependences
v True PDGs are somewhat more complicated
than this
Ø Vertices in the graph represent (a) assignment
states and (b) predicates in the program
Ø Edges represent control and data flow
Ø Control dependences always start at a
predicate (or the entry node, a special node representing the beginning of the
They are
labeled with a boolean
node w is control dependent on node v if the predicate of node v evaluates to
the label on the edge from v to w
That is, what
happens at w controls whether or not v executes
An assignment
statement followed immediately by another assignment statement have no control
dependence between them, since the second one always executes when the first
one does
This is roughly
similar to the notion of a basic block
Ø Data dependences represent the possible
flow of values through the program
(Roughly) there
is a data dependence (edge) from node v to node w if v includes an assignment
to some variable x, and then w includes a use of (that specific) x.
These can be
separated into (at least) loop-independent and loop-carried dependences, which
roughly distinguish whether the relationship is across iterations of a loop or
Ø Def-order dependences can also be used;
these aren't needed for all analyses, but ensure that only equivalent programs
have isomorphic PDGs.
v Procedures
Ø What happens when you have procedures and
still want to slice?
Ø Weiser extended his dataflow algorithm to
interprocedural slicing
Ø The PDG approach also extends to procedures
Ø But interprocedural PDGs are a bit hairy
(Horwitz, Reps, Binkley used SDGs)
conventional parameter passing is not straightforward
Ø In the Reps/Horwitz paper is an example of
an SDG
P := 3.14;
rad := 3;
if DEBUG then rad :=4 fi;
call Mult3(P,rad,rad,area);
call Mult3(2,P,rad,circ);
procedure Mult3(op1,op2,op3,result)
result := 0p1*op2*op3;
v Essentially a linked collection of PDGs
(one per procedure), with linking vertices for calling protocols
Ø Value-result parameter passing is used;
it's much harder to handle by-reference mechanisms
Ø If you slice an SDG-like structure using
standard reachability, you can get a very large slice
if you slice from inside a procedure, with reachability you trace back to all
possible calls sites of the procedure; since calls and returns are represented
by separate edges, it's roughly like taking a return to a call site that didn't
make the call
There are a
number of solutions to this, include the summary edges imposed in SDGs
v Technical issues
Ø How to slice in the face of unstructured
control flow?
Ø Must slices be executable?
Ø What about slicing in the face of pointers?
Ø What about those pesky preprocessor
v Dynamic slicing
Ø These algorithms have all been static
Ø They work for all possible inputs
Ø There is also work in dynamic slicing,
trying to find slices that satisfy some execution streams over sets of inputs
Korel and
Laski characterize dynamic slices in terms of a trajectory that captures the execution history of a program in
terms of a sequence of statements and control predicates
v (Potential) applications of slicing
Ø Debugging
Ø Program differencing
Ø Semantic versions of diff
Ø Program integration
Ø Merging versions together
Ø Testing
Slicing can
be used to define more rigorous testing criterion than a conventional data flow
testing criterion
v Recap
Ø Cool idea
Ø Cool supporting technology
Ø Difficult on practical programs
Ø May be coming closer to feasible after almost
20 years of research
Ø Little data on the size of slices
Ø Will it be more than a cool idea?
guess? No (but I wouldn’t bet the farm
on it)