v Today
Ø Layering
Ø Possible projects
v Layering
Ø Layering is a standard software structuring
Ø If you’ve taken OS, you’ve seen it in its
classic form in Dijkstra’s T.H.E. system
Level 5: User
Level 4:
Buffering for input and output devices
Level 3:
Operator Console Device Driver
Level 2:
Memory Management (Software Paging)
Level 1: CPU
Scheduling (priority) P and V operations
Level 0:
Ø Parnas’ paper discusses layering in terms
of the potential ease of extension and contraction of systems
Ø Strictly, one layer can only use operations
at the next lower level
constrains, in the extreme, invocations between components at a given level
constrains recursion
It prohibits
calling down multiple levels
Ø But layering does allow for a nice style of
building: a lower layer can be debugged and tested without concern for the
higher layers, since there are by definition no dependences
v Invokes vs. uses
Ø Parnas discusses how the uses relation is
distinct from the invokes relation
A program A
uses a program B if the correctness of A depends on the presence of a correct
version of B
specification and implementation of A and the specification of B
Again, what
is the “specification”? The interface? Implied or informal semantics?
Ø Here's an example where invokes does not
imply uses
without use: name service with cached hints
· ipAddr
:= cache(hostName);
if not(ping(ipAddr))
ipAddr := lookup(hostName)
v What is the relationship, if any, between
layering and information hiding modules?
Ø HW2 has one question in this regard
Ø Strict application of layering in operating
systems is hard; for example, if you have lots of processes, you may not be
able to store all your process tables in memory, so you might have a dependency
from process table management to virtual memory
Ø Here's a small example of this, taken from
the FAMOS operating system (family of operating systems) research project from
the early 1980's
An OS might have
both a "process ADT" and a "segment ADT", each of which
hides secrets such as the data structures to support these functions
But in terms
of layering, you might have the structure:
· Level 3: Segment management
Level 2: Process management
Level 1: Segment creation
Level 0: Process creation
So, the
information hiding modules (the ADTs) span levels in this situation
v Language support for layering
Ø Why do we have tons of language support for
information hiding modules, but essentially none for layering?