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How to Use the Vortex Compiler

5 Libraries

For best performance of the generated code, Vortex can compile and optimize library code for the client application. However, this approach precludes sharing compiled code for libraries across applications. For simple applications, sometimes best performance is not required. To speed compilation and reduce disk space usage, Vortex can compile libraries in a special mode that makes the generated code sharable across applications. Because of inter-file dependencies created by optimizations, and to enable applications to add methods and fields and children to objects defined in separately-compiled libraries, these libraries are compiled without optimization. The generated library code is put in a separate directory. By default, Vortex compiles libraries separately; for best performance, libraries can be specialized to the client application by enabling the specialize_libraries option.

5.1 - Defining a library
5.2 - Compiling libraries
5.3 - Disabling separate compilation
5.4 - Implementation limitations

How to Use the Vortex Compiler - 20 JAN 97
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