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3 Using the Cecil Debugger

3.3 restart, recover

The restart command restarts program execution from the beginning, preserving any runtime extension methods. It's useful when you find a bug, fix it by installing a runtime extension method (see section 4.1), and then want to test your bug fix. No re-initialization of global variables or named concrete objects takes place.

Some programs, such as the Vortex compiler, install explicit error handling wrappers around sections of code. For example, the compiler wraps execution of compilation commands in an error handler, so that message-not-understood errors during compilation return you to the Cecil> prompt, rather than abort the program. The recover command returns to the last point in the program where an error handler was installed. This is useful if you've identified a problem, installed a fix, and want to return to the error handling level rather than continuing program execution.

How to Use the Vortex Compiler - 20 JAN 97
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