CSE 490z: Algorithmic Game Theory, Autumn 2011

[calendar | blog | project | resources | course description | important announcements]

important announcements

course description

Instructor: Anna Karlin, CSE 594, tel. 543 9344
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays in EEB 042, 12-1:20pm
Office hours:  By appointment -- send email.

Teaching assistant: Andrey Kolobov
Office hours:

Course evaluation: Participation, blog posts and homework (altogether 40%), project (40%) and two short tests (20%).

About this course:

In this course, we will use the tools of game theory to understand the incentive structure and strategic behavior of players in the brave new world we live in. We will study the foundations of the field known as algorithmic game theory, which lies at the intersection of game theory, economics and computer science, and learn about its applicability to the strategic and technological issues that arise in electronic commerce and in resource allocation in the Internet.

The theory we develop will help us address questions such as: What game theoretic ideas underly companies like facebook, Google, yelp, eBay, etc? How can you make the most money selling your used textbooks on eBay? What are the economics of email spam? What do game theory and the Paris subway have to do with Internet routing? How does Google find what you are looking for and how do they make money doing so?


You can find information about the project here.
