CSE 490s Lab 7: Unity 3D- StressBall and Procedural sound

Due: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 9 p.m.

In this lab we'll add procedural sound to StressBall.


libpd — workflow, prototyping, and production
flext - C++ development layer for Pure Data
Audio Based Procedural Level Generation & Manipulation in Unity 3
liblo: Lightweight OSC implementation
An Introduction To OSC
OpenSoundControl for Pd

Other stuff:

Procedural Audio and Binauralisation in Unity's Bootcamp Demo (v 1.0) (youTube)
Designing Sound in SuperCollider
Teaching Adaptive Music with Games: Unity + Max/MSP, Meet Space Invaders!
µ (mu) Max-Unity3D Interoperability Toolkit (PI, Spring 2008)  scroll down half-way...

Overview: Writing Scripts in C#

The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)

TO DO:  Build StressBall as a game:

In Unity, under Assets->Export Package make a full project of your enhanced version. Call it (yourlastname)StressBall2.unitypackage.

Email your custom PD patch file(s) and your package to bruceh@cs.washington.edu. KEEP A COPY!!

Thanks to PixelPlacement for StressBall.