CSE 490s Lab 6: Unity 3D- StressBall and sound

Due: Monday, Nov. 14, 9 p.m. 

In this lab we'll explore the Unity 3D editor, and add our own sound to a simple scene using C#.

On line documentation, including manuals, tutorials, and video tutorials, along with sample game projects.

Extensive documentation is also included under "Help" in Unity3D:
Audio Files

Video tutorial on Unity sound.

Overview: Writing Scripts in C#

Build StressBall:

Add sound to StressBall:

In Unity, under Assets->Export Package make a full project of your enhanced version. Call it (yourlastname)StressBall.unitypackage.

Email your custom PD patch file(s) and your package to bruceh@cs.washington.edu. KEEP A COPY!!

Thanks to PixelPlacement for StressBall.