CSE477 Relationship with TC333

An experiment

For the first time, this quarter, we are linking CSE477 with a special section (D) of ENGR333 (Advanced Technical Writing and Oral Presentations) taught by the Department of Technical Communications.

This came about from the following observation: Computer Engineering majors are required to take both ENGR333 (soon to be TC333) and CSE477 and it would be beneficial to all involved if these were taken during the same quarter as there are many synergies between the two courses.

Here is the reasoning:

Given these potential advantages, we decided to give it a try this quarter. If the experiment works out positively for everyone (as we anticipate) then this may become a standard feature of CSE477. There will be a formal evaluation of this throughout the quarter.


ENGR333D meets TWThF at 830-920 in LOW 220. The instructor is Marsha Haney. She has graciously agreed to adjust the assignments due in ENGR333 as well as their due dates to better match the requirements and schedule of CSE477.

There are two very important advantages to this arrangement. The first is that while assignments in ENGR333 are done on an individual basis, you will have the opportunity to revise and synthesize all the group members' contributions for the group reports in CSE477. The second is that you'll be getting started on your writing much sooner. This, will hopefully, lead to better quality documentation in CSE477 since you won't be able to put it off until the very end of the quarter.

You'll have separate assignment requirements in both classes with separate due dates. They have been coordinated to allow time for revision and synthesis between the individual due date in ENGR333 and the group due date in CSE477.

Comments to: cse477-webmaster@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: )