Velo Development Quickstart

Connecting the Velo to the PC

  1. Attach the docking port to COM2
  2. Attach the power cord to the dock
  3. Slide the Velo into docking port
  4. On the PC run Handheld PC Explorer (doubleclick desktop icon)
  5. If you see successfully connect proceed to the running a sample program section.

Problems connecting the Velo to the PC

Running a sample program on the Velo

We will be using Windows CE extensions to Visual C++ to develop and download programs to the Velo.

  1. Copy the directory \DevStudio\Wce\Samples\Win32\Generic into your program space.
  2. From the Start menu bring up Programs:Microsoft Visual Studio:Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0:Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0
  3. In Developer Studio select File:Open Workspace and select the file generic.dsw
  4. Select Build:Always Download. A check mark should be next to it. On every compile, the MIPS binary code will automatically be downloaded to the Velo.
  5. Select Build:Set Active Configuration and select generic - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug. This sets up the backend of the compiler to generate debuggable MIPS code instead of x86 code or Hitachi SH code.
  6. In the upper right corner of Developer Studio's tool bar is a small window with WCExxx in it. Make sure that you select WCE100 NOT WCE200 or WCE101. To see the OS version on the Velo, click on the Velo's Start:Settings:System. Close the System window.
  7. On the Velo, doubleclick the My Handheld PC icon.
  8. Select Build:Build generic.exe. You will get a link warning, ignore it. Messages will indicate that the program is copied down to the Velo.
  9. On the Velo, doubleclick the generic icon and an application that divides the screen into 4 quadrants should come up.

Debugging a program on the Velo

  1. Make sure you build a debuggable version and not a release version.
  2. Select Build:Start Debug:Go. Generic should be running on the Velo.
  3. Select Debug:Stop Debugging
  4. Position the curson on line 232 of generic.cpp.
  5. Select Edit:Breakpoints
  6. Click on the right arrow and select line 232. A stop sign should appear in the far left column. Note that you cannot add breakpoints while the program is running.
  7. Select Build:Start Debug:Go
  8. On the Velo click in the change color quadrant. A yellow arrow should be on top of the stop sign.
  9. Select Debug:Go to continue executing.
  10. Select Debug:Stop Debugging to exit the debugger.


Resetting the Velo

If the Velo should hang, it can be reset by putting the point of the stylus into the small hole to the left of the delete key.