wedge 3/31/05: Brain Storming
wedge Output
wedge Where/What
wedge A game?
* single player
* Ongoing game played by all who walk by
* Trivia
* memory games/simon
* run-run revolution
* gesture game
* scavenger hunt game
* the wall is looking for you
* Virtual pet
wedge Wall
* eye level
* really high
wedge 3D
* Wall
* Pedestal
* Hang from something
wedge Functional
* clock
* building status
* weather
wedge personalized web info
* bus schedule
* web
wedge time-based information
* important dates/past events
* automated aim client
wedge How
* Dispensing food
wedge Leds
* lots and lots of single color leds
* fewer, brighter multicolored ones
wedge Screens
* lcd
* led arrays/marquee sign
* touch screens $$$
wedge Speakers
* localized sound
* Projectors
wedge Fluids
* Bubbly walls
wedge fans
* move air
* make things flutter/blow
wedge Motors
* Servos
* solenoids
* steppers
wedge Input
wedge keyboard/buttons
* keyboard/key pad
* borg keyboard
wedge sound
* localization
* ambient noise
* gait detection
* tone/timbre
* detecting people
* music detection
* speech recognition
* mood recognition
wedge visual
wedge cameras
* local or remote camera
* object recognition
* facial recognition/expressions
* movement
* gesture recognition
* stereo
* infrared
* brightness
* temperature
* electro-static change
* humidity
* barometric temperature
wedge touch
* weight sensors
* however those touch-sensitive lamps work
* switches
* tilt/pitch/yaw
wedge Ideas
* mood wall
* light organ
* clock
* mood clock
* silohuette wall
* virtual mirror
* fun house mirror
* 3d face human
* 3d face non-human
* sensory chamber
* diarama
* virtual band
* virtual drum set