|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | VGA Interface Test Script | | Frans Faizal (9810315) | Jimmy Muliawan (9811074) | | Design Problem #9 | CSE 467 AB | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | The file has been automatically generated by | the Script Editor File Wizard version | | Copyright © 1998 Aldec, Inc. | Initial settings delete_signals set_mode functional restart stepsize 10 ns | 20ns clock clock CLK 0 1 | Vector Definitions vector DataIn DataIn[7:0] vector pixel pixel[5:0] vector Address Address[14:0] radix decimal DataIn pixel radix hex Address | Watched Signals and Vectors watch CLK Read DataIn pixel watch HSYNC VSYNC | Perform Simulation assign DataIn 20\D cycle 70