Requirements/Analysis/Limitations Code Size in current implementation: +Read off from Kiel compiler output listing +Badge: 362 bytes < 20 KByte on Atmel +Door Module: 1130 bytes < 32 KBytes SRAM on XS-40 2 sec. requirement: +seems reasonable +sonar: 0.7 sec +RF send and receive: 2 ms + 1.7 ms + 2 ms ++RS 232 and RF baud rates, packet sizes ++bad if strong interference (8 retries with up to 360ms of random delay between retries) +FPGA: can finish checking in about 4 clock cycles @25MHz, +code in microcontroller take only milliseconds using only 1 sonar: +aiming directly in front of the door, assuming user walks directly towards the door power consumption: +Calculated from specifications +Badge: ++Atmel: ++RF: ++ will try running 8051 off the batteries on the RF board +Door Module: ++XS-40 ++Sonar kit +++decoupling Cap