-- fulladder--

module fulladder( CarryOut, Result, a, b, c);

input a, b, c;

output CarryOut, Result;

reg CarryOut, Result;

always @(a or b or c)

{CarryOut, Result} = a + b + c;


-- mux2 --

module mux2( z, Select, in0,in1);

input Select, in0, in1;

output z;

reg z;

always @(Select or in0 or in1)

if (Select == 1'b1)

z = in1;

else if (Select == 1'b0)

z = in0;


z = 1'bx;


-- mux4 --

module mux4( z, Select, in0, in1, in2, in3);

input [1:0] Select;

input in0, in1, in2, in3;

output z;

reg z;

always @(Select or in0 or in1 or in2 or in3)

case (Select)

2'b00: z = in0;

2'b01: z = in1;

2'b10: z = in2;

2'b11: z = in3;

default: z = 1'bx;



-- alu1 --

module alu1( a, b, CarryIn, Less, Result,

CarryOut, Operation, Binvert);

input a, b, CarryIn, Less;

output Result, CarryOut;

input [1:0] Operation;

input Binvert;

wire t0, t1, t2;

wire bbar, bb;

and g0( t0, a, b);

or g1( t1, a, b);

not g2( bbar, b);

mux2 g3( bb, Binvert, b, bbar);

fulladder g4( CarryOut, t2, a, bb, CarryIn);

mux4 g5( Result, Operation, t0, t1, t2, Less);


-- alu1msb --

module alu1msb( a, b, CarryIn, Less, Result,

CarryOut, Operation, Binvert,

Set, Overflow);

input a, b, CarryIn, Less;

output Result, CarryOut;

input [1:0] Operation;

input Binvert;

output Set, Overflow;

reg Overflow, Set;

wire t0, t1, t2;

wire bbar, bb;

and g0( t0, a, b);

or g1( t1, a, b);

not g2( bbar, b);

mux2 g3( bb, Binvert, b, bbar);

fulladder g4( CarryOut, t2, a, bb, CarryIn);

mux4 g5( Result, Operation, t0, t1, t2, Less);

always @(CarryIn or CarryOut or t2)


Overflow = CarryIn ^ CarryOut;

Set = Overflow ^ t2;



-- alu32 --

module alu32( a, b, r, Overflow,

Op, Bneg, AllZero);

input [31:0] a, b;

output [31:0] r;

input Bneg;

input [1:0] Op;

output Overflow, AllZero;

reg AllZero;

wire [32:1] c;

wire Set;

alu1 alu_0( a[0], b[0], Bneg, Set, r[0], c[1], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_1( a[1], b[1], c[1], 1'b0, r[1], c[2], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_2( a[2], b[2], c[2], 1'b0, r[2], c[3], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_3( a[3], b[3], c[3], 1'b0, r[3], c[4], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_4( a[4], b[4], c[4], 1'b0, r[4], c[5], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_5( a[5], b[5], c[5], 1'b0, r[5], c[6], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_6( a[6], b[6], c[6], 1'b0, r[6], c[7], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_7( a[7], b[7], c[7], 1'b0, r[7], c[8], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_8( a[8], b[8], c[8], 1'b0, r[8], c[9], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_9( a[9], b[9], c[9], 1'b0, r[9], c[10], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_10( a[10], b[10], c[10], 1'b0, r[10], c[11], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_11( a[11], b[11], c[11], 1'b0, r[11], c[12], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_12( a[12], b[12], c[12], 1'b0, r[12], c[13], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_13( a[13], b[13], c[13], 1'b0, r[13], c[14], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_14( a[14], b[14], c[14], 1'b0, r[14], c[15], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_15( a[15], b[15], c[15], 1'b0, r[15], c[16], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_16( a[16], b[16], c[16], 1'b0, r[16], c[17], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_17( a[17], b[17], c[17], 1'b0, r[17], c[18], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_18( a[18], b[18], c[18], 1'b0, r[18], c[19], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_19( a[19], b[19], c[19], 1'b0, r[19], c[20], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_20( a[20], b[20], c[20], 1'b0, r[20], c[21], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_21( a[21], b[21], c[21], 1'b0, r[21], c[22], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_22( a[22], b[22], c[22], 1'b0, r[22], c[23], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_23( a[23], b[23], c[23], 1'b0, r[23], c[24], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_24( a[24], b[24], c[24], 1'b0, r[24], c[25], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_25( a[25], b[25], c[25], 1'b0, r[25], c[26], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_26( a[26], b[26], c[26], 1'b0, r[26], c[27], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_27( a[27], b[27], c[27], 1'b0, r[27], c[28], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_28( a[28], b[28], c[28], 1'b0, r[28], c[29], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_29( a[29], b[29], c[29], 1'b0, r[29], c[30], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_30( a[30], b[30], c[30], 1'b0, r[30], c[31], Op, Bneg);

alu1msb alu_31( a[31], b[31], c[31], 1'b0, r[31], c[32], Op, Bneg,

Set, Overflow);

always @(r)

AllZero = (r == 32'b0);


-- tester --

module tester;

reg [31:0] a, b;

reg [1:0] Operation;

reg Bnegate;

wire [31:0] Result;

wire Overflow, AllZero;

alu32 alu( a, b, Result, Overflow, Operation, Bnegate, AllZero);

initial begin

a = 'h00000000; b = 'h80000001; Bnegate = 1; Operation = 2;

$strobe( "a=%h b=%h r=%h Bnegate=%h v=%h op=%h z=%h",

a, b, Result, Bnegate, Overflow,

Operation, AllZero);


a = 'h00000000; b = 'h80000000; Bnegate = 1; Operation = 2;

$strobe( "a=%h b=%h r=%h Bnegate=%h v=%h op=%h z=%h",

a, b, Result, Bnegate, Overflow,

Operation, AllZero);


a = 'h00000001; b = 'hffffffff; Bnegate = 0; Operation = 2;

$strobe( "a=%h b=%h r=%h Bnegate=%h v=%h op=%h z=%h",

a, b, Result, Bnegate, Overflow,

Operation, AllZero);



