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 CSE 471: Computer Design and Organization - Spring 2007
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Simulator Information

SimpleScalar Quickstart (pdf)
SPEC95 benchmark guide (pdf)
A short SPEC2000 benchmark guide is here.

More information about SimpleScalar can be found in these two documents:

To make your life easier, grab a copy of the Makefile from /cse/courses/cse471/07sp/simplescalar/benchmarks/Makefile and modify it. To run your simulation, say 'make {targetname}', where '{targetname}' is a target in the makefile ('hello' is the only target in the sample Makefile). To capture the output into a file, say '{command} 2>&1 | tee output.log', where '{command}' is something like 'make hello'. Look at these slides for an introduction to makefiles (the rest of the course is useful as well).

To compile programs to run inside SimpleScalar, use the makefile at /cse/courses/cse471/07sp/Makefile. It points to the right version of GCC and associated libraries.

Report guidelines (pdf)
Sample reports:

If you wish to modify the SimpleScalar simulator for anassignment, or if you want to get a better idea of what's happening in a particular situation, the source code is available in /cse/courses/cse471/07sp/simplescalar/source/simplesim-3v0d.tgz. You can also download it from the SimpleScalar website.

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[comments to Jacob Nelson]