Instruction: Mark Oskin
TAs: Niharika Mittal (
      Vineetha Thomas (
Office Hours: Monday: 1pm - 6pm
[ECE 361]    
Tuesday: 10:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 4pm - 6pm
Thursday: 2pm - 6pm
1. If you are taking the midterm, this reference doc's will be included. Thus, it depicts what you do/not/expected to memorize
2. HW1 and Lab1 grades have been posted on the "". If you haven't received any, contact the TAs during their Office Hours.
3. Lab 2 is due on Wednesday(19th Feb). The demo for Lab2 will start on Thursday 20th Feb and run till Wednesday (27th). The demo/walkthrough for HW2 will be done together with your lab demo.
4. Way demo works: If your lab is due on Thursday (1/30) 5pm. Demo's for that lab starts on Monday (2/3).
Use the link to join the class slack group using your address.
LATE POLICY: penalty of 10% for every 24 hours after the due time. Eg:24hrs = -10%, 48hrs = -20% and so on.
QEMU for ARM (if you want to run your assembly on your x86 box and Some prebuilt ARM 64 (Aarch64) QEMU images and some directions here here I run these images with this command line: "qemu-system-arm -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -kernel kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie -M versatilepb -no-reboot -append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1 rootfstype=ext4 rw console=ttyAMA0" -nographic -hda ./raspbian-stretch.img" username "pi" and password is "raspberry"
Online ARM (and many other architectures) compiler
Online ARM assembly compiler and emulator (seems uper useful)
ARM 32 bit one page reference guide
ARM 64 bit one page reference guide
ARM 32 bit compilers (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) Make sure you use versoin 2018-Q4. Scroll down on the page to find it. Newer versions have removed armv2 support.
ARM 64 (and 32) bit compilers (Windows, Linux)
ARM 64 bit cross compiler (Mac OS X)
Interactive visual ARM32 emulator
Scott Hauck's Verilog tutorial
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by: David A Patterson and John L. Hennessy