CSE467 Syllabus

Catalog Data

CSE467: Advanced Digital Design (3). Advanced techniques in the design of digital systems. Hardware description languages, combinational and sequential logic synthesis and optimization methods, partitioning, mapping to regular structures. Emphasis on reconfigurable logic as an implementation medium. Memory system design. Digital communication including serial/parallel and synchronous/asynchronous methods. Prerequisites: CSE370 and CSE326.

Course Goals

  1. To learn how to design digital systems, from specification and simulation to construction and debugging.
  2. To learn techniques and tools for programmable logic design
  3. To learn how to use modern laboratory test equipment, including logic analyzers and oscilloscopes
  4. To understand the limitations and difficulties in modern digital design, including wiring constraints, high-speed, etc.
  5. To design, construct, test, and debug a moderate-scale digital circuit.

Course Syllabus

1.  Review of basic digital-logic design
        Combinational logic
        Structured logic implementation
        Sequential logic
        Finite-state machines
2.  Overview of digital technology
         Logic families
             Reading and understanding data books
         Fixed-function devices
             glue logic
         Programmable devices
             PALs and PLDs
             Integrated circuits
3.  Electrical realities
         Resistance, capacitance and inductance
         Time constants
         Decoupling and ground
         Power dissipation and drops
         Wire delays
         Fanout and loading
         Ringing, reflections, and terminations
4.  Computer-aided design
         Hardware description languages (HDLs, esp. Verilog)
         Logic compilation
         Two-level and multi-level logic synthesis
         Technology-independent optimization
         Technology mapping
         Sequential-logic synthesis
         Tools for mapping to PLDs and FPGAs
5.  Laboratory realities
         Logic analyzer and oscilloscope basics
         Repetitive versus single-shot triggering
         Timing, state, capture, bandwidth
         Glitches and transient events
         Wire, coax, probing
6.  System-level components
         Static, dynamic, and nonvolatile memories (RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM)
         Memory controllers and timing
         Digital communication
         Serial and parallel protocols
         Synchronous vs. asynchronous data communication
         Arbitration schemes
7.  Technology
         Integrated circuits
         Circuit boards
         High-speed circuits; controlling impedances

Comments to: cse467-webmaster@cs.washington.edu