Lab 4 - CSE 467

DE1 Demo Quartus Project

THDB-D5M_Hardware specification.pdf ---------------------------camera datasheet

TRDB_D5M_UserGuide.pdf ----------------------------------------camera user guide

TRDB_LCM_UserGuide_061130.pdf -------------------------------lcd user guide & datasheet

For this lab, you should email to Ryan your answers to the questions asked, and code as requested.

For this lab, refer to: A Study of Spatial Color Interpolation Algorithms

Part I: In the RAW2RGB module of your camera project, implement the Bilinear Interpolation algorithm. Set up your project using SW1 to select between the default algorithm and your Bilinear Interpolation implementation. Keep the output screen size te same, showing only the top left quadrant of the camera's field of view. Using a test target, describe and differences you see.

Part II: Implement one of the other non-adaptive algorithms (not nearest neighbor). Switch between Bilinear Interpolation and your newly implemented algorithm. Answer some questions:

  1. Can you measure the max. frequency of each algorithm?
  2. Can you detect a visual difference? If so, describe it.

Part III: Implement one of the Adaptive Algorithms.Switch between Bilinear Interpolation and your newly implemented algorithm. Answer some questions:

  1. Can you measure the max. frequency of each algorithm?
  2. Can you detect a visual difference? If so, describe it.
  3. Email to Ryan your completed project.

Part IV, EXTRA CREDIT: Pick one of these:

1. Testing-- write a test fixture for your newly-implemented module. Email it to Ryan. In your email, explain what faults your tester would find.

2. Find the section labeled Color Saturation Matrix in this reference:
See if you can implement Saturation adjustment using SW2 to select between a K of 1 and K of 2. Describe your results. Is there an optimal K value? Email your project to Ryan.

Your emails to Ryan is due at the start of next week's Lab period.

These may be of help:

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