Welcome to the Autumn 2004 Edition of
CSE 466 - Software for Embedded Systems
Gaetano Borriello
Waylon Brunette and Vaishnavi Sannidhanam
This page contains essential (and useful) information for the class.
Keep in mind that this document is not static, and that new information
will be added over the entire quarter.
Make sure to check the class e-mail archive frequently.
Some links may be inactive until later in the quarter.
If you have any problems with this document or the CSE 466 web, please
send mail to the course
webmaster so that we may address the
issue or solve the problem.
You can also send mail about anything related to the course to the
instructor and/or
the TAs.
Or see us during office hours.
Portions of the CSE 466 Web may be reprinted or adapted for academic
nonprofit purposes, providing the source is accurately quoted and duly
The CSE 466 Web: © 2004, Department of CS&E, University of Washington.