I2C Physical Layer

1.      The bus master doesn’t always control the data line (SDA) during a frame transmission. (3 pts)

Explain: The data line is controlled by the slave when the bus master specifies a read operation. Acknowledgements are always performed by the receiver (master or slave).




2.      If multiple devices attempt to master the bus at the same time the one with the lowest I2C address will become the master and the others must back off. (3 pts)


Explain:  The master’s I2C address is irrelevant.  Collision detection happens when one master writes a “1” to the SDA at the same time that another writes a “0”.  The master writing the “1” can detect the collision so it must back off.  Therefore, it is the address of the addressee (the slave) that determines priority since this is the first thing that is written to the bus by the bus masters.  




Session  Layer

3.                  In our shared memory implementation, it is okay for session layer messages be processed out of order as long as the transport layer guarantees that the messages themselves are not corrupted. (3 pts)


Explain: It is the job of the transport layer to guarantee in-order message delivery, so that the session layer can just process messages as they come in. In a more sophisticated system you might want to have the ability to specify whether or not a message  has an order dependency or not, perhaps by setting up separate queues for separate ordered message streams....  but it would still be the job of the transport layer to establish and manage these queues.



4.                  There is no constraint on session layer message lengths because I2C frames can be infinitely long.  (3 pts)


Explain: Session layer message length has nothing to do with the physical layer. That is the point of having layers. Even though I2C allows infinite frames, your data link layer would probably limit actual frame sizes so that you could achieve a good balance between throughput and latency in the network (as discussed in class).  





5.                  What was the specific hazard that the young engineer from Toyco was concerned about? list at least two for mitigating (reducing the likelihood of) this hazard. (3 pts)

Over time, the plastic degrades to the point that it does not cool off as fast, leaving that possibility that the young user of the kid’s oven could get burned. There are several ways to mitigate this hazard, including: Warning labels, leaving the warning light on longer, or adding another thermister to sense the temperature of the plastic.

For safety reasons, you decided that each device in your I2C embedded network should expect a message from its neighbor once per second regardless of other activity. Assuming that the session layer is capable of scheduling periodic tasks, how would you implement this protocol? Describe the messages, system calls, and routines that you would add to the session layer. Your design should require the application layer to set up the chain, but not manage the protocol.  English or psuedo-code is fine. (10pts)


I would define the following two systems calls:


ping(address, period); // cause the session layer to send a “ping” message to the specified address at the specified period in seconds.


watch(address, period); // cause the session layer to expect at least one “ping” message from the specified address in any given interval of the specified length (period) in seconds.


Example usage: by pinging at twice the watch frequency, we can be sure that there is at least one ping for every watch period, assuming that network latency does not hold things up for more than ˝ of a second.


Application Code


ping(SELF+1, .5);  // ignoring the modulo arithmetic    

watch(SELF-1, 1);  // ignoring the modulo arithmetic



What to add to the session layer (code handles only one watch/ping pair, could be generalized)

void ping(address, period);

      ping_address = address;

      schedule periodic_ping()


void watch(address, period);

      watch_address = address;

      schedule periodic_watch()


void periodic_ping(){

   transport_send(ping_address, makeMessage(PING,SELF));



void periodic_watch(){

      if (ping_received) ping received = FALSE;

      else signal(WATCHDOG_FAILURE);



code to add to the session_recv routine


      PING: if (message[2] == watch_address) ping_received = TRUE;
