1. Two major decompositions:

            System State (Buttons)


            Temperature Controller (T, Fan)


            Stack Management (V,I,MOSFETS)


            Hydrogen Control (Sensors, Valves)



            Another student suggested that we have a separate sensor and safety task.

            Good idea from engineering partitioning perspective but it results in lots of communication and

            potential unreliability in the safety channel.


2. One had defined all of the messages that have to back and forth -- signals and shared memory

            System:  send MODE, receive: TOOHOT,TOOCOLD,WARM,OVERLOAD,ILEAK,H2LEAK

            Temp: send TOOHOT, TOOCOLD, WARM.  Receive MODE

            Stack: send OVERLOAD, STACK, ILEAK. Receive MODE

            H2: send H2LEAK, receive STACK, MODE

3. Types of communication:

            Shared Variable (missed events and multiple reads are okay),
            Signals (must guarantee one read per event)

4. How to deal with shared variables (depends on what happens more often)

            copy-on-write (asynchronous, update latency)

            copy-on-read (latest value, but read delay is high)

5. What should this might look like from a programmer's perspective



            //pipe ids

            #define MSG 1

            //shared variable ids

            #define STATE 1

            #define STACK 2


            #define STARTUP 0

            #define WARMUP 1



            #define TOOHOT 0x01

            #define OVRLD   0x02

            #define ILEAK 0x04



            #include key_numbers.h


            void modeControl() {

                        signal(SIGERR, shutdown);

                        // initializations

                        publish(STATE, CW);   // declare that this task will be the writer for STATE and will use Copy-on-Write policy

                        subscribe(STATE,CW);  // blocking, must have an error procedure

                        messages m = pipe(MSG,READONLY);


                        // startup routine

                        post(STATE,STARTUP);             // local subscriptions will be updated immediately

                        start = getTime();

                        while (timeDiff(start,getTime() < 60) {  // stay in STARTUP for 60 seconds

                            if (read(m,&msg)) {  // meanwhile look for error conditions

                                    if (msg & (TOOHOT | TOOCOLD | ILEAK | HLEAK)) 





                        post(STATE, WARMUP);            // local subscriptions updated


                        while(1) {

                           if (read(m,&msg)) {sh

                                    switch(msg) {

                                                WARM: post(STATE,WARMUP);








            void shutdown() {






            ------------------- now let's look at the H2 controll task --------------


            #include key_numbers.h

            void H2() {

                        signal(SIGERR, shutdown);

                        // initializations

                        int state = STARTUP;

                        int current_state = STARTUP;

                        subscribe(STATE,CW); // need time out and error procedure


                        messages m;

                        m = pipe(MSG,WRITEONLY);  // blocking -- timeout and error procedure


                        // startup routine

                        close_all_valves(); stay_closed = false;

                        while(1) {

                                    update(STATE, &state);


                                    if (current_state != state)

                                                switch(state) {

                                                            STARTUP: close_all_valves();

                                                            WARMUP: if (!stay_closed) open_all_valves();

                                                            SHTDN: shutdown();


                                    if (state == (ONLINE | OFFLINE))

                                                if (!stay_closed) set_valves_accordiing_to_stack(stack);

                                    if (detect_H2()) {


                                                stay_closed = true;






            void shutdown() {


                        stay_closed = true;




6. Discuss layers: application, session, datalink, physical

            - Modularity

            - Spooling (non-blocking semantics)

            - Virtual Connections between layers (horizontal)

            - Actual Connections between layers (veritical)


7. Questions for Monday Discussion:


what does publish() do in the session layer?


what does subscribe do in the session layer ?.


what does post do in the session layer?


How does the session layer process incoming data from the data-link layer?


How does the data-link layer process incoming data from the session layer?


How do the two layer share data?