Once upon a time...
        There is a community of animals in a farmer's field. A group of
intelligent and malicious crows dominate the field and hunt the animals
(the crows eat both the crop and the animals).

And every day...
        A mouse would be viciously murdered and eaten by the crows.
Until one day...
        A scarecrow is placed in the field in an attempt to stop the
destruction of the field. One day, the scarecrow witnesses how a rabbit
gets killed by crows. This causes the scarecrow be fearful of crows and
he does not understand if or what he should do about it. Also, the
scarecrow is brand new, so he is very concerned about keeping himself in
mint condition. (The scarecrow is vain. Here the scarecrow does not
realize that he can be reconstructed even if he got destroyed.)
And because of this...
        The crows do not respect the scarecrow. They defiantly mock him
and rip him to pieces. The OCD, neurotic,
stress-leads-to-compulsive-eating squirrel happens upon the pieces of the
scarecrow and puts him back together close to his origianl appearance, and
he will be again in the good condition.

And because of this...
        The scarecrow realizes and feels special about being able to
reconstructed. (The squirrel demonstrates the scarecrow how different he
is from others.) And the scarecrow appreciates that the squirrel has
rebuilt him.

And because of this...
        With a greater sense of self-confidence, the scarecrow feels
gratitude toward the squirrel and begins to empathize with the plight of
the animals. He questions his role and starts to realize that he might be
able to help. His dilemma is between his fear of the crows and the desire
to do the best he can. In his mind, his own rage and indignation is united
with the urgency of the situation for the animals in the field.

Until finally...
        The day comes when the squirrel is being targeted by the crows.
The balance of the scarecrow's quickly escalating internal conflict is
tipped toward action as he sees his friend's impending doom. He breaks
free of the stake that supports him and rushes. The scarecrow scares the
crows and saves the squirrel in a heroic gesture.

And ever since that day...
        The scarecrow is unafraid of the crows. He now dominates the
field, and no effort by the crows can shake his new self-confidence.