CSE 459 - PreProduction


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Project 3b Clarification
Download Earl here.
1. The audio for your lip sync will be your very own voice.... Brendan 
will show you how to record your voice for the project. Ham it up. 
You have two choices for audio:
"I'm soooo sexy!"
"You can kiss my butt!"
These are your only choices HOWEVER --
You get to decide where to place the emphasis in the sentence and how best 
to convey what Earl means when he talks to us.
DON'T FORGET **** For the lip sync assignment, you'll need a hand held
cosmetic mirror at your workstation in order to get reference from your
very own face :-)
Download Earl here.
Have fun ....
For your planning sheets, here's what I should have so far -
Action Planning Sheets for:
Charlie Chaplin Exercise ( in class)
Walk Cycle
Symetrical and Assymetrical Jumps
Clarifications for Project 3c
Paths you need so you can find these files:
Mocap Data:
run "assign.exe" and open up any .c3d files in the dry run folders.
******Shot Scene Planning Sheet -- rough in for Project 3c due in tomorrow
for my review. Anytime during the day or night will do. Just slip it under 
my door in 332.
For the Shot Scene Planning Sheet ( which is a bit more involved than the
Action Planning sheet), include, text description for your shot, thumbnail
drawings ( from acting yourself and your video reference), action
breakdowns including line of action, motion paths and force lines, for
difficult or unusual actions or as necessary. I've left a sample shot
planning sheet on the window/door to my office in 332. This is just a
sample -- yours doesn't need to be identical.
If you plan to change anything from the animatics and Mo-cap reference 
you'll be provided, just indicate on the planning sheets what you are 
doing...and why. Remember, we're looking for great acting here. We want to 
develop the style for the movie as early as we can. The larger and more 
accurate the drawings are, the better the feedback .... You will need to 
use the shot descriptions as you get them, for direction, but you can 
change some actions and some timing to make your acting look better and 
communicate what you want....
It's important to try out many ideas before you start animating so
videotape, draw, and act I yourself. Whatever works.  It will save you
enormous amounts of time and stress later...and result in a better looking
shot... honest.
I really want you all to spend time thinking carefully about what the 
characters are thinking, how they move based on their personality and the 
descriptions you came up with collectively on Tuesday in class. 
You WILL be animating all of the characters in your shot. You will not 
have to worry about intricate lighting or shading or anything else for 
Project 3c however.