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3D Paint

Story / Reference / Concept Art Team
Storyboard / Story Reel
Animatics Group

Modeling / Rigging





3D Paint Group -- Marc TA Supervisor. [top]
Chris Scoville
Dinh Lam
Dean Halford
Chris Fitzner
Meeting times (2x a week)
MW 12:30 - 1:30
Workshop - any weekend with two weeks notice
              any Sunday
              (not the next 2 weekends Jan 17,18,24,25) 
            shorter meetings with Marc also alright.
Our goal is to have our tasks done and approved by TAs and Barbara by week 9.
schedule for tasks -
assume conceptual art done by week 3
assume can start molding with model group by week 4 
assume molding be done by week 5
assign date     due data        Tasks
week 5          week 6          Paint the moldings
week 6          week 7          Do shaders
week 7          week 9          Paint textures onto models 
Story / Reference / Concept Art Team  [top]
-Barbara Mones
-Ginturn Tran
-Aaron Oliver
-Erik Salisbury
-Jesse Miller
-Luke Wallace
-Daniel Binuya
Meeting times: twice weekly
-Tuesdays 7:30pm
-Thursdays 7:30pm
Official Workshop: Aimed for this coming weekend.
Character designs
Set designs
-glass shop
-outside glass shop (windows, surrounding environment, etc)
-glass instruments
-glass blowing/creating device/method
-work area/tools
-detailed written version of fleshed-out story (we're leaning towards no
dialogue, but we aren't restricted to that)
-live action filming of fleshed-out script
Character detail sheets
-backstory/psychology/etc. of each character (as detailed as necessary)
We will be working closely with the storyboarding and modeling teams in the
beginning half of the quarter: the storyboard team for set design, and
modeling team for character design.  This is at the forefront of our current
list of responsibilities, so that they may progress with their own
respective work.  We hope that the weekend workshop will solidify, if not
offer finalized prospective, for character and/or set designs.  It is our
goal to have a number of sketches done for the workshop, so as to be able to
discuss an aesthetic direction for the production.  Class feedback is
We will also need to continue to explore local reference sites and resources
(as we did with the glass museum field trip).  Additionally, the web and
video shorts will continue to provide aesthetic reference/resource.
Storyboard / Story reel  [top]
Support: Ginturn, Benton and Brian Macdonald
Meetings Times:
Tuesday and Thursday at 6PM
Group Members:
Irene Yi
Jennifer Santoyo
James Sims
Nicolette Butler
Goal:  To have the storyboard and Story reel finished in time for all
expected deadlines and have enough satisfaction in the work so that the
majority of the teams in our class approve of what we have accomplished.
Process:  Irene will be the lead artist for the storyboard.  However, the
finished piece will be a collaboration of the entire teams input and
ideas.  For example, Jennifer and James will help direct camera shots and
Nicolette will help with references of the glassblowing process and the
reference of the setting.  Of course, these tasks will not be limited
to the team and these roles will be intermixed.  For the time being, the
storyboard will have representational characters and settings that may or
may not be the final products of the storyboard.  When character design
and setting are complete, we plan on implementing them in but for now, we
are only using temporary substitutes.
Schedule:  We hope to complete the entire storyboard as early as 2 weeks
and in worst case scenarios, 3 weeks.  However, we plan on showing our
progress during the dailies you appoint at yours and hopefully Irene's
convenience at least once a week.
Animatics Group   [top]
Ernest Wu and Mira Dontcheva
Rachel Hunt
Jonathon Schoeller
Nick Poplaski
Jennifer Santiago
Meeting times (2x a week)
Tentatively Monday 9:30
            Thursday after class
Workshop - any weekend with two weeks notice
              no Sunday after 4pm
Our goals for the end of the quarter are to provide excellent animatics,
with finished camera angles and timing.
We know that we will be working with the storyboard team, and having
feedback going both ways.  We intend to have rough animatics finished by
mid-quarter (Valentine's Day), ready for feedback. After which, we will
spend two weeks, touching up, redoing, or totally scrapping our animatics
for further feedback.  The last two weeks, we will use to put the
finishing touches on our animatics making them gold.
We will need some quick tutorial on how to use the mocap lab, and how to
use that to create animatics that are usable in Maya.  We will also need
Storyboard info, and character models, to give our animatics life.  
Communication between the model team, and storyboard team will be crucial.
Modeling / Rigging   [top]
Group Members
Daniel Flohr
Eugene Lam
Chris Fitzner
Billy Tung
Marc Thyng
Models and Rigging Group
Scheduled meeting times
      MW 11:00 to 2:30
Schedule recommendations for day workshop
      Saturdays if after 12:00 pm
      Sundays anytime
      *       Our goal is to have the sculptures and digitized models 
               ready to
               hand off to the 3-D paint group according to schedule and to
              the final models with rigging approved by TAs and Barbara.
      *       To have models rigged well enough that animators will not
               need to resort to cv animating.
      *       To have models consistent with the concept art as approved 
               by TAs, Barbara, and members of concept art team.
assume concept art done by week 3
assign date     due date    Task
week 3          week 4      sculptures
week 4          week 5      make molds with 3d paint group
week 5          week 7      digitize sculptures
week 7          week 8      first round rigging
week 8          week 10     iterative testing