After opening MAYA....
  • Set your preference to "inifinite undo".
  • Set the "set key" option so that the tool will give you a prompt box and will set keys below.
  • Check that your animation units are set to 30 fps.



  • "q" cancels a command
  • "w" is a move
  • "e" is rotate
  • "r" is scale
  • "h" is hide selection
  • "d" is duplicate
  • "f" frames the selection in the active window
  • "x" is grid snap

**you can view all your hotkeys (and manipulate it) by going to Window > Settings/Preferences > Hotkeys...

Setting Keys:

  • "s" sets key
  • "SHIFT+w" sets move
  • "SHIFT+e" sets rotate
  • "SHIFT+r" sets scale.

Graph Editor:

  • "ALT+SHIFT+left click+middle click" lets you move the view in the direction you move the mouse.
  • "SHIFT+middle click" moves keys and curves in one direction.  The direction is the first direction your mouse moved in.
  • "w" and "r" can be used for translate and scale in the graph editor and dope sheet.
  • To weight tangents, you have to first specify that tangents be weighted (tangents->weighted Tangents) and then you have to free the tangent weights.
  • You can set the way your keys are set through Options>General Preferences>Animation>Keys. You can change how the default tangent comes in and how the default tangent goes out.

Channels Box

  • Greyed out means the attribute is locked.
  • Yellow means there's a key on it.
  • If you highlight the attribute itself (not its value) and it's an attribute you assigned, you can use the middle mouse button to change its value.


  • To select multiple items, hold down the "CTRL" key.
  • You can drag things by holding down the middle mouse button.  You can also use this to move things under groups, to parent and un-parent items.
  • If you click the "+" symbol, you'll see what's immediately childed under the object.  If you hold the "SHIFT" key while clicking the "+" symbol, you'll see the entire tree of parents and children.