Starting with Project/Assignment #3, you will be turning in a Critique Analysis. Here's the outline for you: 1. What was the Project/Assignment? To make different shaders for nurbs and poly primitives by manipulating with the attributes of shading models 2. How did you approach it? I experimented with different shading settings to get the look i want 3. What was successful/worked wel/ what are you most proud of? i am most proud of my animal skin because i had to use photoshop to generate the texture and i like the look and feel of it. 4. What needs to be improved/ is not successful? I don't think my metal shader is very good. I couldn't get it to look realistic. I couldn't find the right bump map to apply so that my metal looks real. 5. What would you do to improve or complete the project/assignment if yoou had more time to work on it? If i had more time, i would investigate on how to make realistic looking shader by doing some research. 6. What questions or concerns do you have about the project? My question is how does one make the right bump maps? I wanted my animal shader to have a fury texture to it by using bump mapping but my effort was unsuccessful.