Imaginary Scissors

Jeff Malone
CSE455 Computer Vision
Project 1 Artifact
  • Original Images
  • Mask Images
  • Final Image
  • Original Images
    For my orginal images I used an old box of "King Vitaman" cereal and the now internet cliche "O RLY?" owl.
    Mask(s) made with iScissor.
    I needed two masks for the cereal box and one mask for the owl, this way I could make it look like the owl was King Vitaman
    Final Image.

    To arrive at my final image I did the following steps in GIMP:

  • First I used my two cereal box masks to set up the crown and cereal bowl as separate layers.
  • In order to make it look like the owl was actually eating the cereal I need to flip both him and his mask.
  • Once that was done, I applied the same technique I used for step one to create a layer for just the owl.
  • I arranged all of the layers in the image to make it look like the Owl was King Vitaman.
  • Lastly as a little touch up, I used some air brush tools in GIMP to get rid of the lettering that was sticking out on the Owl.
  • All of the steps I used to get each of my masks as separate layers and selections came from the GIMP tutorial that was provided.