things to do in section: 1) hand back proj 3, hw 3, hw 4 2) last minute requests re. proj 4? 3) go over sample questions for exam 4) course eval packets. Project-related problems: 1) One possible way to allow an extensible number of inodes on disk is to use a linked list of blocks as inode-containing blocks; the last bytes of the block give the index of the next inode-containing block. a) Discuss the performance implications of this strategy. b) Suggest a way to improve this performance 2) The file system you have designed currently allocates only integer numbers of 1K blocks to hold a file. Thus, if a file takes 1K + 4 bytes of space, it wastes almost a full kilobyte. One possible extension is called "tail packing", where the "tails" of files -- the amount left over after all full-block amounts have been written to their own blocks -- can share a block together. Discuss some of the complexity that this will cause, and list the pros/cons of this strategy. 3) Why do EXT2 inodes contain both direct and indirect blocks? Why not just make everything indirect? 4) Explain the tradeoffs made in picking the choice of virtual memory page size: when are larger pages better, and when would smaller pages be better? Extension: How might the block size of the hard drive influence this decision?