For this question you need to run galax. Here is a brief introduction to getting started with galax.
Country(id, name, population)
City(countryId, name, population)
Border(countryId1, countryId2, length)
Then populate the database with the Mondial XML data. You only need to use that information in Mondial that corresponds to the relational schema (e.g. country, city, etc), and ignore the rest of the data (e.g. regions, ethnic groups, etc). Turn in all queries/programs you used to populate your database, as well as the name of your database.
Hint: there are two wasy to populate the relational database.
The first is to use Galax to produce three comma-separated text files
with the information you need for each of the three tables. (If needed,
generate a single begin- and end-tag, which you can remove with a text
editor). Then use the 'bulk insert' feature in SQL server to import
files into the database. The second is to use the OPENXML statement in
SQL Server: please read the documentation if you choose this method.
Click here
to turn in problems 1 and 2.
Your XML file should include all the relevant data in the
relational database, i.e. all actors, and for each actor all their
movies. In this problem you can use a combination of the FOR XML
feature of SQL Server and Galax queries to generate this XML file. Turn
in all programs that you used to generate the XML file, as well as the
resulting XML document. Click here
to turn in the XML file.