Schema and Data of Phase I - DRAFT

Due October 15, 2003


In this phase you will build a complete database application using SQL Server with a very simple web-based front end. You will be given a high-level specification of the domain of the database application, and which queries your interface needs to support. This phase will be done in two parts. In the first part, (due Oct 15) you will create your database schema (and also create your actual database + data tuples on the SQL server) and turn it in.

You need to submit the schema and data of your domain (Inventory, Billing, or Shipping) for Phase I formatted as explained below. Please read the requirements for the rest of Phase I which will be due October 25th. Good design now will make the rest of Phase I (and the entire Project) much easier later. Also you must use the schema you turned in to build your database in phase 1 and you are discouraged to change it in phase 2. So please invest your time in it.


This assignment will be evaluated on the clarity and thoughtfulness of your schema design. Remember that you are going to be using this schema for the entire Project so please put some real time and thought into it. Also try to resist optimizing it for the queries listed in your domain because eventually you working in groups with people from the other two domains.

You'll also need to turn in some sample data for your schema. Creating all this data may take some time. But since you may need to change your data (note: we discourage you the change your SCHEMA in phase 2, but you can change and add data if you need to) in phase 2 anyway, about 10 tuples per table should be plenty.

Turnin Procedure

will be up in the next few days