CSE 444 Final Solutions
Autumn 2002

Total number of points: 100

1.Problem 1




select x.url, count(*)

from webpage x

group by x.url





select x.url, y.url

from webpage x, webpage y

where x.word = y.word and x.url != y.url

group by x.url, y.url

having count(*) > 1000




select distinct x.url

from webpage x

where x.url not in (

                select y.url

                from webpage y

                where y.word not in (select z.word

                                                 from dictionary z

                                                 where z.language = "French"))





q1:  partitioned hash-join.  Cost: 3B(R) + 3B(S) = 60000


t1 = groupby(S,B,sum);
  Use main memory hash; cost = B(S)

t2 = R join_B t1;
  Use main memory hash; cost = B(R)

t3 =project_A,sum t2;
     pipleline from previous operation;

    need to materialize t3; cost = B(t3) = B(R)

answer = groupby(t3, A, sum); main memory hash; cost = B(t3) = B(R)


total cost: B(S) + 3B(R) = 40000


Notice that B is a key in

t1(B,sum), hence t2 = R join_B t1 has as many tuples as R, and so has

t3. Since t3's schema is essentially the same as that of R, we have

B(R) = B(t2)



3. a


i yes


ii yes


iii no:


R     A | B | C


      1 | 2 | 3


S     A | B | C


      1 | 2 | 3

      1 | 4 | 5



iv yes


v no: take R as above and:


T     C | D


      3 | 4

      3 | 5





Subquery          Size                  Cost                 Optimal plan


RS                   1k                    0


RT                   3k                    0


RU                   2k                    0


ST                    1.2k                 0


SU                   0.8k                 0


TU                   2.4k                 0


RST                 6k                    1k                    (RS)T


RSU                 4k                    0.8k                 (SU)R


RTU                 12k                  2k                    (RU)T


STU                 4.8k                 0.8k                 (SU)T


RSTU              24k                  3.2k                 (RU)(ST)






select distinct x.e, x.v

from   Log x, Log y

where  x.t = y.t and x.e > 0

   and y.e = -1    // y is <START T>

   and not exists (select *

                   from Log z

                   where x.t = z.t

                     and z.e < -1)  // z is <COMMIT T> or <ABORT T>

   and not exists (select *

                   from Log u

                   where u.e > 0

                     and u.n < x.n)