Homework 3


Due 2/22/2001


Locking, Recovery and Storage



For full credit, answer any 7 of the 10 questions in 1 through 4 (and 5).

For Extra Credit (Max 15 points), answer all questions







  1. Locking, Chapter 9.3 and 9.4, Vol 2.
    1. Exercise 9.3.3 for schedules (d) and  (e)
    2. Exercise 9.4.1 (i) for schedules (b), (e)  
    3. Exercise 9.4.6 (b) and ( c)


  1. Aborts, Deadlocks, Chapter 10.1, 10.3, Vol 2
    1. Exercise 10.1.2 (d)
    2. Exercise 10.3.1 (d) 


  1.  Recovery, Chapter 8.1-8.4, Vol 2
    1. Exercise 8.2.7 (d) and (e)
    2. Exercise 8.4.5 (d) and (e)


  1. Storage
    1. Exercise 3.4.4 (a), (c) and (d)
    2. Exercise 4.1.5 (use the description in solve Exercise 4.1.4, but no need to solve Exercise 4.1.4)
    3. Exercise 4.2.2



  1. [5pt] Please answer the following questions:
    1. How long did it take you to complete this assignment?
    2. What did you like the best about this assignment?
    3. What did you like the least about this assignment?
    4. The assignment was      too easy           OK      too hard
    5. Instructions(directions) were:     not enough        enough but useless/vague          more than I needed