How Tos


Put up the class webpage

As a student

You need to put the html files in the course directory.

  • Send the TA your account name so they can add you to the group that has permission to access the directory
  • Unix: ssh into, directory space projects\instr\08au\cse440\...
  • Windows: My Computer, CSE drive (it's O: for me), directory space unix\projects\instr\08au\cse440\...
  • Place the files there
  • Check to make sure it works
  • Make sure your website is useable, aesthetic, and has clear links to your project files.

As the TA

The projects live somewhere like: unix\projects\instr\08au\cse440\
The web link is O:\cse\www\education\courses\440\08au

Step 1: Make sure that the student project space exists


If not, you have to send an email to the support and ask them to create "project area" and project groups for you.

Step 2: get groups
Make sure there are groups cse440a cse440b etc.
If not, ask support to create them

Step 3: add to groups
Get cse usernames from students
add them to the groups uing "query or change group members" in this tool

Step 4: create directories and set permissions

in unix (you can ssh

cd unix\projects\instr\08au\cse440\
create all the directories
barb%mkdir Project1
barb%ls -all
drwxr-xr-x 2 everitt cse440 4096 2008-10-16 13:46 Project1/
the owner is everitt (me) and the group is cse440. We want the individual groups to have access to their directories
barb% chgrp cse440a Project1
(oh look! This will probably fail because while the TA is in group cse440a, it isn't loaded by default)
barb% groups
grad_cs tas cse440
you need to on-the-fly add the groups you need
barb% chgrpsh +cse440a
barb% chgrp cse440a Project1
drwxr-xr-x 2 everitt cse440a 4096 2008-10-16 13:46 Project1/
Not done! The students can't write to this directory
barb% chmod 775 Project1
drwxrwxr-x 2 everitt cse440a 4096 2008-10-16 13:46 Project1/
(you need 5 because directories need to be executable)

Note that any files you put in the directory (starter files, etc) also need to have their group changed.
Files should be set to permissions 664 (read-write, read-write, read)

Step 5: Create symbolic links to the website

create a symbolic link
it looks something like this:

in your web directory:
ln -s projects/instr/cse440/Project1 Project1

ln -s /projects/instr/08au/cse440/e nameofgroup

I got some weird permisson errors, but I fiddled with slashes and it worked.

This will link the website link to the project instructional site.


Support Documentation :

chgrpsh [ [+|-]groupname ] [-- cmd arg1 ... ]

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