
This lecture finishes up a greedy algorithm and then moves on to Dijkstra's algorithm. There are a few activities that were designed as student submissions - which should be included. The proofs generated quite a bit of discussion in class, which showed that many students were following the details.

Friday the 13th is generally considered to be an unlucky day.

The instructor mentions that only the algorithm will be presented for optimal caching, and the proof will be something students can read on their own. A student want to know if it will be on the midterm. The answer is no.

When the instructor asked how many people had seen Dijkstra's algorithm before, most students indicated that they had.

The discussion begins with an algorithm simulation. The instructor does the simulation once with bad choices, and then a second time stopping to get advice from the students.

I think the question that was asked at 10:00 was if you could access external memory without going through the cache.

For the Farthest in the future algorithm, you could have the students do this as a submission, or just watch the instructor do the simulation. If this is done as a student submission, you should specify what students should record - such as indicate when each of the elements is discarded from the cache.

The idea of the shortest paths tree is important - so it would be good for students to ask any questions they have on slide 8.

Do this as a student submission - the lecture at UW is not using Tablets for this lecture - but the activity had been used as a student submission last year.

This activity was also designed as a student submission. The appropriate time to stop the video is 25:23. The student answer is correct (but not easy to hear) - it is repeated by the instructor.

A student asks an interesting question: doesn't that only work if the edges have non-negative values. You could stop this at 25:51 to discuss the answer.

There reference to "Cloud Algorithm" is that at the start of the lecture a student remarked that he remembered that the proof involved a "cloud".

The algorithm simulation is given as a student submission activity. You may want to give more structure to this, but stopping at a particular point, and asking the students just to simulate a single row of the algorithm.

When the instructor says "What you remember from 326 is . . ", he is refering to the Data Structures class all students have taken. CSE 326 is the data structures course that is required before taking algorithms.

A lot of time is spent on this slide. The first four minutes is the instructor giving the proof. This is followed by a series of questions, as a student attempts to clear up a misunderstanding. The instructors comments do not seem to clear up the problem. Another student eventually suggests that the problem might be that we are assuming that d[v] is the minimum label value, but we don't explicitly say that on the slide.

The algorithm ends with a discussion of how negative cost edges cause the algorithm to fail. You could do this as a student submission (although it is not necessary, it may be best to just let the discussion come from UW.).