CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2020
Midterm: Friday, February 14 from 2:30 to 3:20. The midterm will consist of a number of short-answer questions. It will be closed-book.

The questions in Assignment 4 are somewhat longer than those likely to be on the exam. For a list of topics, see the Midterm topics list. For a sample midterm, see this example. Solutions are available. Note that the sets of topics covered by the sample midterms typically differ somewhat from the set of topics covered in another quarter's midterm. Thus the sample midterms may be most helpful in helping to set expectations for factors such as test style rather than precise coverage of topics. However, the style may also change. (Thus you should not let yourself be tempted to overfit to the sample tests as you study.)

Final: In consideration of avoiding risk of further spreading the coronavirus, the plans for the final examination have been modified. We are planning to have a take-at-home final examination instead of an in-class exam. It will be given out over the weekend, on approximately Saturday, March 14, and due via Gradescope on Tuesday, March 17 at 4:30 PM. A list of topics is available. The final will ask about a subset of these.
Tuesday, March 17 (2:30 PM to 4:20 PM). Similar in format to the midterm, the final will also be closed-book.