Midterm Examination 2
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2009
Date: Friday, March 6.
Format: The second exam will be similar in format and length to the midterm exam. The topics covered will be drawn from the following, which includes some topics from the first part of the course and some from the second.
State-space search
  states, state spaces, operators, preconditions, moves,
  heuristic evaluation functions,
  iterative depth-first search, recursive depth-first search,
  breadth-first search, best-first search, uniform-cost search,
  iterative deepening, A* search.

Minimax search for 2-player, zero-sum games
  Static evaluation functions
  Backed up values
  Alpha-beta pruning
  Zobrist hashing

Predicate logic
  Interpretations, satisfiability, consistency, models
  Horn clauses
  PROLOG syntax

Probabilistic reasoning
  Bayes' rule
  Odds and conversion between odds and probability
  Bayes nets

Image understanding
  Human vision: subjective contour illusion, pareidolia
  Shannon sampling
  Valley method for threshold selection
  Hough transform
    polar coordinates representation of lines
    parameter space array
    voting process
    peak detection
  Edge Detection with the Roberts Cross Operator
  Four-connectedness, eight-connectedness of sets of pixels
  Formal Segmentation into Regions
  Morphology transformations
  Scene analysis with Guzman's labelling method

  How to compute AND, OR, and NOT.
  Simple pattern recognition (e.g., 5 x 5 binary image
    inputs for optical character recognition)
  Training sets, training sequences, and the perceptron 
    training algorithm.
  Linear separability and the perceptron training theorem.