Assignment 4   (problems are from ch. 4)

Part A

1)  We want to concentrate on the uses of data / information / knowledge in this situation, but first some examples of each.  Recall we're considering a hospital computer network with such things as patient montioring devices, medical records, and physicians' workstations.  That is, we're concentrating on the medical work of the hospital (rather than, say, financial activites, or supply chain, or publicity).  Recall also that there aren't sharp boundaries between data, information, and knowledge, so don't obsess over pigeonholing into these categories.

Raw data would include the streams of measurements being collected by automated patient monitoring equipment, measurements and observations made by nurses,  test results, etc.  There would be personnel records for physicians, nurses, aides, including their work schedules and on-call schedules.  If the hospital is so equipped, there might be location data for medical personnel when they're on the premises.

Under the heading of information one might include specific inferences from data, e.g. diagnoses or conclusions drawn from the raw medical data, warnings that a patient's vital signs were not normal, awareness that some times and locations were under-staffed.

A bit higher up the information hierarchy, we might find such things as case notes, instructions and training for new personnel.

Knowledge tends to include the sorts of things formerly trapped inside people's heads, textbooks, and medical journal review articles, but now externalized and organized so it's useful to others and useful to automated systems.  We can potentially include, here, the entire body of medical knowledge, recorded in textbooks and journals, especially as many are available online.  Experienced specialists might have helped construct expert systems for assisting with diagnosis and selecting treatment.

A lot of the use we can make of data / information / knowledge has to do with two things: So, what are some specific examples of uses of data / information / knowledge?  (We've mentioned a few above.)

2)  A production system has three parts:  a driver or interpreter, a collection of production rules, and state information.  How could we represent the content of each of these parts?  Let's work backwards from state to rules to interpreter -- that's also from easier to harder:

State information  The state of the system will consist mainly of values of parameters, so we could say that our state is represented by a collection of pairs:  parameter name and its value.  (In a program, we might represent these as variables, or key / value pairs, or records in a database.)
Production rules  An individual rule has the form of a condition to test and something that should be done if that condition is true.  So we could represent our rules as a collection of pairs:  predicate and action.  The action could, itself be compound -- it could be a collection of actions or a sequence (and ordered collection) of actions, if some actions had to be performed before others.  For efficiency, we might want to have a hierarchy -- a tree -- of predicates, so we don't have to repeat some test over and over in lots of pairs.  In this case, our actions could be attached to any node of the tree, or they might all be at the leaves.  Note that the predicates might include tests not only on information that the system gets from the outside world, but also from the state.  And the actions might not just produce results -- they might update the state information.
Interpreter  The interpreter has to collect information from the world, examine the production rules for true predicates, execute the actions, and return results.  The main point at which its overall behavior might differ from one system to the next is in how the rules are structured (sequence, tree,...).  To describe the operation of the interpreter, we could use the same sort of description as we'd use for a formal machine (e.g. state machine,
finite automaton, Turing machine).  This machine would be very simple, because it would store its state in its collection of state information, not in named states of the system.  (Of the three machines mentioned, the Turing machine is closest, as it, too, has its "program" and "state" stored apart from the machine driver.)
3)  What sort of relationship are these -- are they more like "subset-of" or "element-of"?  Are they ambiguous?  Are they not examples of containment at all?
(a)  Fido is a dog.  Fido is an element of the set of all dogs.  (Note we're assuming that "Fido" is the name of one particular dog.  Had we meant the set of all dogs named Fido, we probably would have said something a bit different.)
(b)  A parrot is a bird.  The category parrot is an element of the set of bird categories.  That is, a parrot is a type of bird.
The set of all (individual) parrots is a subset of the set of all (individual) birds.
(c)  Polly is a parrot. Polly is an element of the set of all parrots.  (As for Fido, if we'd meant all Pollies, we would have phrased the sentence differently.
(d)  David Jones is a Jones.  David Jones (the individual person) is an element of (the family of) Joneses or all people named Jones.
(e)  "George Washington" is a great name.  We are heading away from containment here, and toward features or qualities.  We could say we're talking about a category of "great names", but we probably couldn't get any two people to agree on the elements!  I we did have a collection of "great names", "George Washington" would be an element not a subset.  This seems a bit awkward, though -- it would be simpler to say that the name "George Washington" had "great" as a quality.  Regarding "great" (or other modifiers) as qualities has another advantage:  We can apply them to anything without having to insert some artificial intermediate class of things with that quality between a more naturally associated parent and child class. 
(f)  Artificial intelligence is a state of mind.  This isn't containment, although perhaps it should be contained, lest it spread.  The whole statement falls into the category of "jokes that deserve groans rather than laughs".
4)  Recall the definitions:  Say that R is a binary relation over a set S.  That is, R is a set of pairs of elements of S.
Reflexive  For all x in S:  x R x.  That is, (x,x) is in R for every x in S.
Symmetric  For all x, y in S:  x R y  ->  y R x.  That is, whenever (x,y) is in R, so is (y,x).
Transitive  For all x, y, z in S:  x R y  and  y R z  ->  x R z.  If (x,y) and (y,z) are in R, so is (x,z).
Antisymmetric For all x, y in S:  x R y  and  y R x  ->  x = y.  If (x,y) is in R, where x != y, then (y,x) won't be.
Partial order  R is a partial order if it is reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric.  (Think of <= as a model.)

Note the problem says that, for each example, S is the set of all elements mentioned in that example.  So S isn't the same for all.

There's no trick to doing these -- just step through all the "for all" elements and see if the statement that defines the property holds.  If it's ever violated, R doesn't have that property.  Most of the statements have a precondition that asks about some elements of R.  That is, they say "if <something> is in R, then...".  ("Symmetric" is the only one that doesn't.)  If there are no elements of R that satisfy the precondition, then there are no cases where the statement is violated.  (This is the same as the definition of "implies", where "false" implies anything because it gives us no information that we could use to decide if the thing on the other side of the implication is true or not.)
  S  R Reflexive Symmetric Transitive Antisymmetric Partial order 
(a)  {a} {(a,a)} yes yes yes yes yes
(b)  {a,b,c}  {(a,b),(a,c),(b,c)}     yes yes  
(c)  {a,b,c}  {(a,a),(a,b),(b,b),(b,c),(a,c),(c,c)}  yes   yes yes yes
(d)  {a,b,c}  {(a,b),(b,c)}       yes  
(e)  {} {} yes yes yes yes yes

Part B

14)  Let:

H = "The home team wins."
V = "The picnic will be in Victory Gardens."
C = "The picnic will be at Consolation Springs."
R = "There is rain."
B = "The sheltered barbeque will be used.
J = "The Joneses stay home."
S = "The Smiths attend."
Then the statements can be written as:
H -> V  If the home team wins then the picnic will be in Victory Gardens...
(~H) -> C  ...otherwise (i.e. if the home team does not win) it (the picnic) wil be at Consolation Springs.
R -> B  If it rains (if there is rain), the sheltered barbeque will be used.
R -> J  Whenever (i.e. if) it rains the Joneses stay home.
(~R) -> (~S)  The Smiths only attend if it rains (i.e. if it isn't raining, the Smiths won't attend).  Caution!  This does not mean that the Smiths will always attend if it rains -- it just means that if it's not raining, the Smiths won't show up...
9)  It wasn't required to answer parts a and b explicitly, but you'd need to figure this out to know how to modify LINNEUS.

a)  The rules for Has, and their predicate calculus form, are the following.  The last was given in the problem.  (Caution:  The letters used to represent the parts of this statement were not the same on p.152 as in the problem.)  Recall we're saying Has(S,T) means S has a T and Isa(S,T) means S is a T.  I'm writing these in a way that will be helpful in part b.

Has is transitive:  If X has Z and Z has Y then X has Y. Has(X,Z) ^ Has(Z,Y) -> Has(X,Y)
Generalizing  the thing that's "had":  If Z is a Y and X has a Z, then X has a Y.  Has(X,Z) ^ Isa(Z,Y) -> Has(X,Y)
Inheriting a "had" thing from a parent class:  If X is a Z and Z has a Y, then X has a Y.  Isa(X,Z) ^ Has(Z,Y) -> Has(X,Y)
b)  What paths in a database of Has and Isa relationships will connect two items X and Y for which we can infer Has(X,Y)?  This will be more complicated than for paths that yield new Isa relationships, because Isa only has one rule -- transitivity -- for infering new Isa relationships.  Here, we have not just transitivity of Has, but also the rules in part a) that combine Isa and Has.  Looking at the rules in part a, we can infer Has(X,Y) if we have a path fragments that include any of the three pairs of prerequisites.

Drawing these can be a bit confusing because we've put the more general item in the second argument to Isa, and we put that higher in the path diagram, but we'd more naturally want to put the first argument of Has above the second.  So forget about drawing a chart -- let's instead write a rule for a path that yields Has(X,Y).

We can chain together path fragments like Has(z1,z2) ^ Has(z2,z3) then Has(z2,z3) ^ Isa(z3,z4) then Isa(z3,z4) ^ Has(z4,z5) and more of any like those.  We don't need to repeat any term -- if it's true once, it's true again...  That sequence becomes Has(z1,z2) ^ Has(z2,z3) ^ Isa(z3,z4) ^ Has(z4,z5).  If we apply the above rules, this collapses to Has(z1,z5).

What about the Isa transitive rule?  Could we include that by collapsing two Isa terms into one?  Try it:  Say we have Isa(z1,z2) and Isa(z2,z3).  We conclude Isa(z1,z3).  Then if we also had Has(z3,z4) we could use the third rule above to conclude Has(z1,z4).  Similarly, if we had Has(z0,z1), we could use the second rule to conclude Has(z0,z3).  We should do a sanity check -- do these make sense?  We just said z1 is a z2 and z2 is a z3 and z3s have z4s, so z2s and z1s also have z4s -- sounds good.  Then we said a z0 has a z1, and a z1 is a z2 and a z2 is a z3, so a z0 has a z3 -- also ok.

So we can have any sequence of Has and Isa, where the second argument of one is the same as the first argument of the next...except that we need to have at least one Has.  We could write the rule as:

{ Ri ( zi, zi+1 ) }i = 1..n  and there exists j in 1..n such that Rj = Has    ->    Has(z1, zn+1)
That is, we have a set of relationships Ri where each leads to the next, and at least one is Has.

c)  Modifications to LINNEUS:

Here is the modified version of LINNEUS (changed sections are marked by !NEW! and !CHANGED! in the comments) and a sample session.

10)  Here, you will need to:

As long as you obey these restrictions from the outset, the facts in your table will remain in Hasse form -- they won't contain any facts that could be inferred from others, i.e. no extraneous links.

11)  Changes to LINNEUS are:

-- Pat