;; CSE413 16au, Programming Languages, Homework 5 #lang racket (require "hw5.rkt") ; This file uses Racket's unit-testing framework. ; Note we have provided [only] 3 tests, but you can't run them until do some of the assignment. ; You will want to add more tests. (require rackunit) (define tests (test-suite "Homework 5 Tests" (check-equal? (eval-exp (add (int 2) (int 2))) (int 4) "add simple test") (check-exn (lambda (x) (string=? (exn-message x) "MUPL addition applied to non-number")) (lambda () (eval-exp (add (int 2) (munit)))) "add bad argument") (check-equal? (mupllist->racketlist (eval-exp (call (call mupl-all-gt (int 9)) (racketlist->mupllist (list (int 10) (int 9) (int 15)))))) (list (int 10) (int 15)) "provided combined test using problems 1, 2, and 4") )) (require rackunit/text-ui) ;; runs the test (run-tests tests)