CSE 413 Autumn 2008 -- define-struct in DrScheme

(Adapted from notes by Dan Grossman for CSE341.)

Traditional Scheme does not have a standard way of creating new types or modules. Scheme programmers have long used functions to write programs in terms of higher-level abstractions like tree nodes, but underneath everything is still a list.

Over time, several Scheme dialects have extended the language to provide user-defined types in various ways. Here we take a brief look at a mechanism provided in DrScheme. To use it, you need to use DrScheme's Choose Language command to select "Pretty Big".


The special form define-struct declares a new type by giving the name of the type and its fields. For example, we can create a type to describe playing cards with

(define-struct card (suit value))

In addition to introducing the type card, define-struct introduces several new bindings.

define-struct is not exactly a function and is not a Scheme macro (which we haven't talked about). The key difference is that values built from the constructor cause every other type predicate (including all the built-in ones like pair?) to return #f. So it is not just a surface syntax for an underlying list.