CSE 413 Winter 2001

Assignment 5 -- Sample Solution for Written Problems

  1. Consider the following grammar:
                    S ::= AB
                    A ::= Aa | bB
                    B ::= a | Sb
    1. What are the terminals, nonterminals, and start symbol for this grammar?

      terminals = {a,b}
      non-terminals = {S,A,B}
      start symbol = S

    2. Draw parse trees for the following sentences:
      1. baa

      2. baabaab

    3. Give a leftmost derivation of the sentences in (b).

      (i) baa: S => AB => bBB => baB => baa
      (ii) baabaab: S => AB => AaB => bBaB => baaB => baaSb => baaABb =>
      baabBBb => baabaBb => baabaab

  2. Give a context free grammar that generates the language containing all palindromes containing a's and b's.  A palindrome is a string that reads the same from left to right or right to left.  Examples: a, b, bab, abba, babaaabab, ... .

    S -> a | b | aa | bb | aSa | bSb