
CSE 401: Compilers

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Administration / Bboard & E-Mail Log


The class mailing list is cse401 at cs. We will use this list for announcements of general interest to the class. Students should also feel free to use it to ask questions, post information, or initiate discussions of general interest to the class. Of course, questions or comments that don't seem of general interest can be directed to the TAs (saia at cs; bobrink@cs) and/or instructor (borning at cs), instead.

The cse401 at cs list is maintained by the majordomo program. To add yourself to the list, send a message to cse401-request at cs with the word subscribe in the body. To unsubscribe, send a message with the word unsubscribe in the body.

Hypermail archive of mailing list


401admin at cs.washington.edu (Last Update: )