CSE 401, Winter 2014

Robert R. Henry

Assignment 11

Summary Write Up and Face to Face Grading

Schedule time slots for face to face grading on one of Friday, Monday or Tuesday.  See https://docs.google.com/a/uw.edu/document/d/14ArWmow0Wy9qAKTTmgxCO86iX5lj2fZwpWjITG7z7_U/edit

We’ll meet in my office, 212 Allen Center.  All three members of the staff, in varying capacities, will be here.  While you’ve signed up for 15 minute slots, we’ll try to keep the meeting to 12 minutes or so, which gives us time to discuss amongst ourselves your project before the next group comes.


Face to face grading is a chance for us to ask you questions, push on the edges of what you know, run some sample programs, debrief and put this project to rest.

Please write up a brief (2 pages will do it) discussion of your project.  Please address these issues in your write up.  Please bring a paper copy of the write up with you to our face to face meeting, so that we can annotate what you wrote with our observations.

Things to write about

  1. What language features work (arithmetic expressions, if/while, object creation, dynamic dispatch, arrays, etc.).
  2. What language features weren't implemented, don't work, or don't quite work.
  3. A summary of the test programs you've tried and the results.
  4. Any extra features or language extensions supported by your compiler: additional Java language constructs not part of basic MiniJava; extra error or semantics checking; comments, source code, and other goodies in the assembly language code; clever code generation or register allocation; optimizations; etc.
  5. How work was divided among team members. If you split up the work, who was responsible for what, or if you worked together on everything, a description of how that went.
  6. Brief conclusions: what was good, what could have been better, what you would have done differently or would have liked to have changed about the project.

Things to Discuss during Face to Face grading

Here are some of the things we may ask you about in the course of the meeting:

  1. Bring your paper copy of the write up with you.
  2. Be prepared to promote and critique your compiler.
  3. What did you do well?
  4. What did you think you could have done better?
  5. What would you do next?
  6. What would you like to demonstrate?
  7. We may have some sample programs of our own to run through your compiler and runtime.
  8. How did you and your partner get along?  What is it like working in pair-programming mode?