
CSE 401 Autumn 2001 (Henry)

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Assignment #2 (Write Test Cases)

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Due Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Choose your 2 person teams for doing the project; see the administrative documentation for the class. You should do the rest of the assignment as a team effort.

One of the challenges of the CSE401 programming project is to learn how to work with another person on a programming project.

Test Cases
Write a set of test PL/0 programs in the extended version of the PL/0 language, as described in the project description and auxiliary documentation. These programs should, in your best opinion, thoroughly exercise the features and restrictions of the extended language. There are several goals to the assignment:

You should write three separate programs (separate .0 files) for each extension:

You should use the comment extension in all programs so you can document you test cases. (It is unlikely that you're implementation of comments will be seriously broken.)

These programs should be complete and self standing. Assuming a correct compiler and run time system, the first two programs should compile without any errors of any kind, and should then run to completion.

You do NOT need to test that the base language and base implementation works as it should. Thus, for example, you can assume that integer arithmetic correctly implements 32 bit 2's complement arithmetic, that procedure calling works, that the basic control flow statements work, and so on.

When your test programs run, they should print out a sequence of values that makes it easy for you to tell if they have worked correctly. This is to say that the programs should be self diagnosing, and should produce some output that obviously indicates success or failure. More output is better when it comes to diagnosing possible failures.

The third program should scan and parse correctly, but should exercise the compiler's ability to detect semantic errors. It is unlikely that you'll ever be able to fully compile this program unless you put some kind of rudimentary semantic error recovery into the compiler.

Clearly, you will not yet be able to compile any of your test programs on your base PL/0 compiler, much less run the results! As the quarter progresses and you make your extensions, you should be able to scan, then parse, then attribute, and finally execute your programs.

We will provide a reference compiler (executable only!) for the extended language. You can use this reference to compile your programs, and as a basis for regression testing. We will provide some mechanisms for compiling and building SPIM executables from your test cases. This will be an implementation that the TA will write. It is likely that the reference implementation will be (initially) incorrect: we'll use your test cases to help us clean up our reference implementation!

Here are some things to consider when writing programs to test compilers:

It is quite possible to go overboard on this assignment. Remember that we'll try to design and implement the compiler so that orthogonal features of the language are implemented correctly in such a way that a feature's correctness has no impact on other feature's correctness. This minimizes the number of interactions you must consider.

Exercise some care in your test cases, walking the fine line between too simple and too complicated. Simple test cases don't find the deep bugs; complicated test cases are too hard to debug, and it is never clear if the test program is wrong, or if the compiler itself is wrong. Compiler writers spend an inordinate amount of time finding bugs in test cases, rather than bugs in the compiler.

The complexity of test cases should probably reflect the complexity of the language feature. You can probably test comments in only several lines; if then else in about 20 lines. Intervals, which introduce a new algebraic domain, new run time data structures, and more, are likely to take 100 or more lines to test thoroughly. Catch and throw require runtime support that deviates from the existing run time system may also take 100 or more lines to test thoroughly.

Overall, I expect that you will have to write between 300 and 400 lines of PL/0 to provide adequate coverage. You may find that you will want to extend your test cases as the quarter progresses, either in response to your understanding of how the compiler works, or in response to bugs you (or the teaching staff) may find.

You should name your test programs using this file name scheme: extension.N.0, where extension is the name of the extension, taken from this set:

N is either 1, 2 or 3, and the .0 part is the extension that indicates a pl0 program. You should put your test programs into a separate directory named tests as a subdirectory in your compiler source directory.

Take especial care in constructing test cases for the operators on intervals. Multiply and divide can be tricky, especially in the presence of negative numbers.

We will provide details via email or on the "details" part of the Web page, on (a) how to turn in this mass of programs; (b) how to run diff and other unix tools for regression testing. Later, we will show how to use some kinds of rudimentary coverage analysis tools to see how thorough your test cases are on your completed compiler.

Finally, remember that testing only shows the presence of bugs, and never the absence.


401admin at cs.washington.edu