1 Course Overview

This is a discussion-based course. Each week, we will discuss various topics related to computer science. Our sessions will mostly relate to the societal and cultural impacts of technology and CS, and some exploration of some technical concepts. This course is NOT an opportunity to learn more programming or add more rigor to CSE 123, nor is any background or familiarity with computer science required outside of what is necessary for CSE 123. This is an opportunity to think about computer science and other related topics in a broader context.

1.1 Eligibility

ALL students currently enrolled in cse123 are eiligible to take this course. If you are not an honors students then your enrollment requires instructor permission.

1.2 Assessment

This is a 1-credit, discussion-based course. To earn credit for this course, you need to complete 7 weeks of discussion activities and the culminating project.

To complete a weekly discussion activity, you need to complete all of the following 3 things that week:

  1. Do the assigned reading
  2. Complete the required post-reading reflection (requires some effort for completion)
  3. Attend the discussion for that week
  4. If you finish all the tasks and attend for a week, it’s completed. There are 9 weeks that we will be meeting so that means you are able to miss 2 and still receive credit for the class!

The readings and activities for this class are not meant to take up a lot of time and you are not being tested on your understanding of the material. The reflections are there to get you thinking about computer science, how you can apply it to your own areas of interest, and how it impacts your day to day life.

1.3 Readings

Throughout the quarter we will be reading The Ethical Algorithm by Michael Kearns & Aaron Roth. This should be considered as our required course text.

Michael Kearns is Professor and the National Center Chair in the Computer and Information Science department of the University of Pennsylvania, where he has secondary appointments in Economics and the Wharton School. He is also the Founding Director of Penn’s Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences. Kearns has published widely in machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithmic game theory and quantitative finance. He has worked extensively in the finance and technology industries, and consulted on various legal and regulatory matters involving algorithms, data, and machine learning. Together with U.V. Vazirani, he is the author of An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory.

Aaron Roth is the class of 1940 Bicentennial Term Associate Professor in the Computer and Information Science department at the University of Pennsylvania, where he co-directs Penn’s program in Networked and Social Systems Engineering. Roth has published widely in algorithms, machine learning, data privacy, and algorithmic game theory, and has consulted extensively about algorithmic privacy. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) awarded by President Obama in 2016. Together with Cynthia Dwork, he is the author of The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy.

Some Purchasing Options: Third Place Books, Powell’s Books, Amazon (also as a cheaper eBook). Also available online through UW Libraries and Seattle Public Libraries.

Please contact Nathan if you are have concerns about getting access to this book.

1.4 Meetings

Each week we will meet on Tuesday at 3:30pm-4:50pm in Loew 111 to discuss the weekly reading.

To ensure all students are able to get maximum value from this class, please observe the following principles for discussion:

  • Make room for everyone to participate
  • When someone describes a lived experience, believe them
  • Acknowledge that identities are not monolithic
  • Be comfortable not knowing, and be respectful when others don’t know
  • Critique ideas, not people
  • Avoid posturing